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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

I am not following a few things here...

Why are we playing so much zone? And where is the DL? This is a game where we should have 8 in the box and play man across the field.

Finally, we are not a throwing team. We just aren't.

We are a run the ball and go play action that's what we are.

I do not see us winning this game but hey I didn't think we would win last week either. The first series of the 2nd half will be everything because if they drive and score it's good night
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That was a very disappointing half of football. Barrett's passing action looks so much better but his decisionmaking has been absolute crap. Offensive line has played well at time but those injuries really unsettled them.

The real problem is the defense. Iowa just is not that good. There are missed assignments and some really bone-headed moments. Someone wanted Tuf Borland, well...

Iowa is exposing the linebackers and the coaching staff needs to rethink its approach to stop it.
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