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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

More ranting for halftime:

1. JT has gone from being way too conservative with the ball to winging it into double coverage. The first INT was a good play by the Iowa DB, but he's experienced enough to not do that. Then another throw in the redzone where it was tipped and he was lucky it wasn't picked off. Then the awful throw that was obviously a bad idea for anyone with eyes. What the fuck? He was playing really well after that initial INT and then started to push way too much. That drive before the half wasn't going to win the game, but it may have sealed the loss for OSU.

2. Defense is abjectly bad. Just a complete failure all around. DL is getting pushed off the ball and isn't getting home on passing plays. LBs are either being thrown into terribly timed blitzes, or getting lost in coverage. CBs are ok, but the safties have struggled. Schiano is calling a terrible game and has created a defense that is completely undisciplined and out of control. That's the main reason a mediocre Iowa offense is blowing the doors off a defense that will have the majority of its starters play in the NFL.

3. I know, after watching last week, that this team doesn't quit. I know they believe in themselves. But sooner or later they must understand that if you don't play in control and take care of the ball, it won't matter how hard you fight or how deep you dig. You'll lose, and lose badly.

Honestly, right now this looks like a talented, passionate team that is out of control and needs an experienced coaching staff to put their foot down and demand more from them. The sound bites and hype videos mean less and less every time this team looks like it's self destructing due to unforced errors and dumb play.

I get really pissed during these games because this is my team and all I really care about when it comes to sports. And it's even worse when you know the team has the talent and a great coaching staff, but just can't seem to get out of their own way. It's the 9th game of the season and it looks like the 3rd.
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I love these kids. I just wish we had things that are successful carry over from series to series and week to week. Any team we play will always need to have more points than we do when the clock runs out for me to believe we didn't win. Just wake up and play smart. Run the ball and get into the backfield and we'll be there at the end. Credit to Iowa so far.
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