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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

Tell you what pisses me off most. Somehow JK is just removed from the game plan every fucking game. I mean are you kidding? Giving up on the run game so easily makes me sad.

It's a god damned greek tragedy. Your best offensive weapon and he should've have had 35 carries today after Barrett started to self-destruct. Urban needs to figure out some way to have a come to Jesus moment and just let go of the offense, because he just doesn't have what it takes to consistently make the right calls in close games.

Honestly, I don't want to hear anything from Urban anymore. No more press conferences, or catchy phrases, or hype videos. Just results. Please get more than one B1G title ever 5 years. Have one season in which the team doesn't look sluggish or out of control for the majority of it. Get another win against Bama or 1 against Clemson.

It's so damn frustrating. We know how good Meyer, Wilson, Schiano, and Johnson are as coaches, and this is the result. Inconsistent play that goes from 0 to 60 to 20 to 70 back to 0. God damnit. I want to just laugh it off, but it so damn annoying.

And for fucks sake, please take Barrett out.
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