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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

This team isn't beating Jim Tressel Jr next week... Sparty is going to let us do what we do which is self destruct and then take advantage.

I just get can't help but think it's funny hearing UFM talk about the definition of insanity... every loss we have we avoid the tailback and here we are once again.

He never learns. He refuses to change before it's too. Fucking. Late.
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Well, we played like shit and got our ass kicked. That was the most uninspired, lazy and undisciplined performance I have ever watched under an Urban Meyer coached team. There is no way around it, we deserved to get our ass beat playing like that.

All I care about now is beating the team up north and hopefully getting ready for a revamped team in '18. Time to start getting the younger guys some playing time and getting them ready for next year.
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