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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

The defence has given up 420 plus yards to Iowa offence. I can't get my head around that after giving up less than 300 yards to a much better offence last week.
Pro style teams have always given this team fits. That's what worried me coming into the Iowa. No way did I think we'd implode like this though. This is the game that makes me question Meyer as a head coach. This is like the Northern Illinois game where you just knew there was something wrong with the offense from day one when Beck and Warriner is in charge. There's absolutely no way a team as talented as OSU should look like this against goddamn Iowa.
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Held 'em to a field goal!
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This is what happens when you win a big game, everyone is singing your praises all week & you think you're just going to walk through the rest of your schedule.

It also doesn't help when you throw a pick 6 on your very first play from scrimmage, play undisciplined football the entire game & completely abandon the run. Common theme when OSU loses.... the QB typically out rushes the RBs.....

JT - 14 Carries
JK - 6 Carries (8.5 yards a touch, but they go away from him.....)
Weber - 5 Carries

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