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Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

MililaniBuckeye;787536; said:
FGM does indeed represent two-pointers made (hence the abbreviation for Field Goals Made). If 3FGM (3-point FGs made) are counted twice, then they're not worth 50% more as Steve19 says, but rather 100% more.

I was working under the assumption that FGM was representing ALL field goals made, both two-pointers and three-pointers. Using that assumption and the .5 rather than 1.5, the numbers should come out the same

MililaniBuckeye;787558; said:
Taking 100 shots, 70 from 2-pt and 30 from 3-pt. If the 2-pointers are shot at 50% (35/70) and the 3-pointers at 40% (12/30), that would be:

Treating the 2- and 3-pointers equally, you have 35+12 = 47 shots made out of 100, or 47%.

But using the formula eFG% = (1.5*3FGM + FGM) / FGA, you get:

(1.5x12=18) + 35 = 53 shots made out of 100, or 53% effective shooting.


Now, if that same team stepped back behind the arch on 10 of their 2-pointers to make them 3-pointers, and keeping the same percentages (50% for 2-ptrs and 40% for 3-ptrs) they are now shooting 30/60 for 2-ptrs and 16/40 for 3-ptrs, which works out to:

30 + 16 = 46 out of 100, for 46%.

(1.5x16=24) + 30 = 54 out of 100, for 54% effective shooting.

So, you can see that while their "real" percentage declined when they took more shots from behind the arch while maintaining the same accuracy, their effective shooting percentage increased.


In terms of points, the first set goes:

35 * 2 points = 70 points, and 12 * 3 points for 36 points, for a total of 106 points.

The second set goes:

30 * 2 points = 60 points, and 16 * 3 points for 48 points, for a total of 108 points.

Taking 100 shots, 70 from 2-pt and 30 from 3-pt. If the 2-pointers are shot at 50% (35/70) and the 3-pointers at 40% (12/30), that would be:

Treating the 2- and 3-pointers equally, you have 35+12 = 47 shots made out of 100, or 47%.

But using the formula eFG% = (.5*3FGM + FGM) / FGA, you get:

(.5x12=6) + 47 = 53 shots made out of 100, or 53% effective shooting.


Now, if that same team stepped back behind the arch on 10 of their 2-pointers to make them 3-pointers, and keeping the same percentages (50% for 2-ptrs and 40% for 3-ptrs) they are now shooting 30/60 for 2-ptrs and 16/40 for 3-ptrs, which works out to:

30 + 16 = 46 out of 100, for 46%.

(.5x16=8) + 46 = 54 out of 100, for 54% effective shooting.

Destination is the same, just slightly different path to get there. :)
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MililaniBuckeye;787564; said:
Come on, now...there's only 6 degrees difference temperature-wise right now. :biggrin:

I know, Florida is a nice place with great beaches, but we all know Hawaii is head & shoulders above Florida. If I was to live not to far from here in the Bahamas then I might have an argument. :biggrin:

BTW, its usually hotter here, but we had a cold front that brought some cold weather.
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i know UT wants to run...but IF at stages (not the whole time) the game pace picks up..I think osu still can compete...this happened at UNC and OSU was right there..obviously matta wants a physical...half court game that features oden...UT can't depend on sitting out and jacking up 3 after 3 and expect to win...some will fall but the majority won't...i want to see how they attack oden inside
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VolinArizona;787570; said:
Where do I get one of these?

Hey whats up VIA?

Just right click on mine, go to properties, Copy the URL, and at the end of the URL it will say what city, if you live in a city that uses two words then you will have to put a underspace between both words. Like mine for example, I live in Flagler Beach, I had to put at the end Flagler_Beach. Im sure you understand.

Go Vols!!
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buckeyeinfla;787572; said:
i know UT wants to run...but IF at stages (not the whole time) the game pace picks up..I think osu still can compete...this happened at UNC and OSU was right there..obviously matta wants a physical...half court game that features oden...UT can't depend on sitting out and jacking up 3 after 3 and expect to win...some will fall but the majority won't...i want to see how they attack oden inside

True. Like I said before, I think Ohio State has an advantage going into this game, it being in a dome. A dome is a bad place for shooting. Not good for UT.

But I would still like to see this game go at a fast pace for UT's sake.
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VolinArizona;787578; said:
Oden will be attacked by Ramar Smith, actually. He'll drive a ton and get nailed a ton.

If a dome doesn't effect UT's 3 point shooting, then I think some of our inside men who can shoot 3's will either get Oden out there to cover their shots, which will leave the middle open, or it will just leave somebody else with a wide open 3 point shot.

Tennessee will probably drive inside alot, to try to do what Xavier did, & get Oden in foul trouble.
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I like the UT Fans Already

I've been on and off a lot of forums in the past few days and so many are filled with SEC and ACC fans that are so obnoxious. All they want to do is taunt OSU and say Oden is 35 years old and the team is overrated blah blah blah. The worst are UF fans...what a sorry lot...sure they are on top now, but for how long? Tradition isn't made in a single season. On the other hand its refreshing to see the comments of the UT fans on here...you are good sports...support your team, point out where you think you've got an advantage, but you're doing it respectfully, Hopefully my fellow OSU fans will continue to be as gracious in return.

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I expect Conley to be very agressive at the offensive end, he cannot be stopped when he takes it to the basket. I love when he does because only good things can come from it. When he misses Greg or O are usually there to clean up, and that is where both of them are at their best, also Tenn does not have the height to contest them on the boards.
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