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Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

I've been on and off a lot of forums in the past few days and so many are filled with SEC and ACC fans that are so obnoxious. All they want to do is taunt OSU and say Oden is 35 years old and the team is overrated blah blah blah. The worst are UF fans...what a sorry lot...sure they are on top now, but for how long? Tradition isn't made in a single season. On the other hand its refreshing to see the comments of the UT fans on here...you are good sports...support your team, point out where you think you've got an advantage, but you're doing it respectfully, Hopefully my fellow OSU fans will continue to be as gracious in return.

i think youll find with "true" fans of any school its a joy. thats why i say over and over treat everyone as you would treat our best posters here, whether that be grad, or thomps. this place has gotten a lot out of some great outside posters. and id love to see that continue.
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I have always thought that a 2-3 zone was vulnerable to a team with good outside shooters. While a 1-3-1 is more suited to defend the perimeter. At least that is how is was on NCAA March Madness for ps2.

Here is a good breakdown of zone defense:


i think ive got a pretty good clue on the zone.

now if i could only figure out what will be the deciding factor in this game...
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Bucks Fan in VA;787637; said:
On the other hand its refreshing to see the comments of the UT fans on here...you are good sports...support your team, point out where you think you've got an advantage, but you're doing it respectfully

Agreed. I have been VERY impressed with the UT fans that have shown up here. Because I think that they've got a phenomenal team and that it will be tough for us to beat UT, it seems like it would've been easy for them to show up here and just talk a bunch of trash. To their credit, they have not. Welcome, fellas.
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Bradshaw always gives Volunteers all he has
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Tim May

Forward Dane Bradshaw,
Tennessee?s only senior, leads the
Volunteers with 4.7 assists per game.


Most basketball coaches talk about the respect and admiration they have for their players. But in the case of Tennessee forward Dane Bradshaw, Bruce Pearl put his money where his mouth is.

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Once again the objective of this game is to minimize Chris Lofton's impact and attempt to shut him down as much as possible. If we do that, I think we will be fine, but they did make it to the Sweet 16 for a reason, not just because of Chris Lofton.
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Once again the objective of this game is to minimize Chris Lofton's impact and attempt to shut him down as much as possible. If we do that, I think we will be fine, but they did make it to the Sweet 16 for a reason, not just because of Chris Lofton.

Good point.......I think Ohio State has one big advantage going into this game.....an extra day of rest, that extra day is huge for Ohio State in my opinion. We played on Saturday, UT on Sunday......
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Vols get rematch with Ohio State

COLUMBUS (AP) -- A breakthrough win on Ohio State's floor brought Tennessee a rematch with the nation's No. 1 team, one that the Volunteers come close to beating the last time out. Maybe it's time for a little more orange paint.

The Volunteers reached the round of 16 for the first time in seven years Sunday, hitting their free throws in the closing seconds for a 77-74 win over Virginia that had coach Bruce Pearl already looking ahead to the next game. Given the opponent, who could resist?

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MililaniBuckeye;787475; said:
Steve, if you get 50% more credite for a 3-pointer, shouldn't the formula be:

eFG% = (1.5*3FGM + FGM) / FGA (1.5, not .5)

I just copied the formula from Ken Pomeroy's site. He counts all field goals (2 and 3 Point and then adds another .5 for the 3 pointers.

Your formula actually captures what he is doing much better, but both are correct.

Quick factoid: Why do university professors use 13 letter words and much more complicated mathematical formulae than necessary? You can't write "my job security" without 13 letters!
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zBuckeye10z;787899; said:
Once again the objective of this game is to minimize Chris Lofton's impact and attempt to shut him down as much as possible. If we do that, I think we will be fine, but they did make it to the Sweet 16 for a reason, not just because of Chris Lofton.
I agree, limiting his touches as we did to Tucker should cause havoc in their gameplan,that worked for me.
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After Saturday, I don't see Oden coming out to the 3 point line after anyone. Unless UT puts up a 5 man perimeter, I'm guessing Oden never leaves the paint unless he so chooses. IF those 6'9" are taking 3's they better be making them or Oden gets 20 rebounds this game. All we would need at that point is for UT to get cold shooting for about 3 minutes to go on a patented run of ours and break the game open. I dont foresee Pearl setting his perimeter any differently than they did last time. I also believe that UT has a speed advantage on us with Oden in the game so the zone will be essential to slowing down UT's running. The zone also allows Greg and Othello to get some "rest" when the ball is flowing around the perimeter and they dont have to bang someone or chase them around. Even though its a team game it all revolves around Lofton for Tennessee. If he starts off cold we're in good shape. If he comes out lighting it up, like Xavier 2nd half, we are in for a 40 minute dogfight. On offense for us, we just have to make more than 40% of our shots from the field and commit less than 12 turnovers.
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