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Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)


Buckeyes warn Vols: We're better now

AP Sports Writer

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- When Ron Lewis' name was announced at Ohio State's winter graduation Sunday, there was a loud roar from the thousands packed into St. John Arena.

Lewis is the big man on campus after his clutch 3-pointer forced overtime against Xavier last Saturday. Now, the Buckeyes, who won that game 78-71, are on their way to San Antonio for a regional semifinal game against Tennessee on Thursday night.


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personally i believe chism is the key to this game. sure oden will get his points down low but i think the problem lays on our defense because chism is capable of hitting threes and has been hot as of late. if chism is hot and pulling up threes then oden is going to have to open up to the perimeter more which gives more room on the inside but lofton doesnt strike me as a great drive to the basket kinda player but the rest of the UT team together can do damage is chism is having a good perimeter night IMO.
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personally i believe chism is the key to this game. sure oden will get his points down low but i think the problem lays on our defense because chism is capable of hitting threes and has been hot as of late. if chism is hot and pulling up threes then oden is going to have to open up to the perimeter more which gives more room on the inside but lofton doesnt strike me as a great drive to the basket kinda player but the rest of the UT team together can do damage is chism is having a good perimeter night IMO.
i think ive already given away the key to the game...
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SanAntonioBuck;788544; said:

Great article, thanks for the link. This quote from Dane Bradshaw says it all:

"We feel like we've gotten better. But the whole country knows how much their young players have started to work as a team, and they're definitely better than they were in January."

Amen Dane. This is going to be a great game between two talented teams. Can't wait to watch it.
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Jeffcat;788581; said:
personally i believe chism is the key to this game. sure oden will get his points down low but i think the problem lays on our defense because chism is capable of hitting threes and has been hot as of late. if chism is hot and pulling up threes then oden is going to have to open up to the perimeter more which gives more room on the inside but lofton doesnt strike me as a great drive to the basket kinda player but the rest of the UT team together can do damage is chism is having a good perimeter night IMO.

Couldn't agree more - if we go to man to man, I'd sure like to see someone other than Oden on Chism (say Lighty or Hunter) if he starts shooting from outside. I'm not sure who Oden would gaurd in that situation, but I think when Oden is in that zone is the way to defend the Vols. - we should be OK rebounding with Oden in, even in zone.
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Against Tennessee, OSU knows the press will be on

Posted by Doug Lesmerises March 20, 2007 20:00PM

Categories: Sports
Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter

COLUMBUS -- When Ohio State hosted Tennessee on Jan. 13, the Buckeyes were rattled. The Volunteer press made even getting the ball inbounds a chore, and Ohio State was forced to bring 7-footer Greg Oden into the backcourt as a safety net.
The Buckeyes pulled out a 68-66 win on Ron Lewis' 3-pointer in the final seconds, but they committed 20 turnovers, their second-highest total of the season after turning it over 26 times in the season-opener against VMI. Freshman point guard Mike Conley Jr. turned it over a season-high five times.

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Tennessee coach Pearl honors senior with endowment

Posted by Mary Schmitt Boyer March 20, 2007 19:58PM

Categories: Sports
Ohio State vs. Tennessee, Thursday in San Antonio, 9:57 p.m.
Mary Schmitt Boyer
Plain Dealer Reporter

Columbus -- To say that Tennessee men's basketball coach Bruce Pearl and senior forward Dane Bradshaw have a special relationship would be a bit of an understatement.
After all, how many coaches donate $100,000 to endow a scholarship in a player's name?

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Morning Journal

Similar shot, similar foe
JASON LLOYD, Morning Journal Writer


Ron Lewis has seen the shot at least 10 times, and who can really blame him? Not everyone gets to make a memorable shot at the buzzer in the NCAA tournament.

Now he gets to face the first team he did it against tomorrow night in the Sweet 16 in San Antonio. Lewis got all the practice he needed for last Saturday's 3-pointer against Xavier by beating Tennessee at Value City Arena on a game-winning 3-pointer with 11 seconds left in January.

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[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Vols' Pearl can coach, laugh at himself[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Wednesday, March 21, 2007[/FONT] [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]True confession, March Madness edition: I like Bruce Pearl. Have since the day I met him, the day before he and Wisconsin-Milwaukee undressed Mark Gottfried and Alabama two years ago. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] I liked Pearl before Tennessee handed him his first Division I head coaching job, and I like him even better as the human joy buzzer of SEC basketball.
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[SIZE=+2]Men's basketball: Tennessee's Lofton increases stature by leaps and bounds

[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Web Posted: 03/21/2007 01:41 AM CDT

[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]John Whisler
[/SIZE] The scouting reports all say Tennessee star Chris Lofton will shoot from anywhere. With Lofton, this is hardly an exaggeration. For him, anywhere might mean 10 feet beyond the 3-point line. Maybe even 15.
Or the next time zone.
And it often doesn't matter who's guarding him.
"Chris Lofton is the best contested shooter in the country," Tennessee coach Bruce Pearl said. "If he can see it, he can make it."

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