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Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)


Tennessee aiming to slow other Buckeyes


Associated Press

SAN ANTONIO - Greg Oden punished himself this week. Angry over having lost his composure and missing some shots in a second-round, near-loss to Xavier, the Ohio State big man came to San Antonio looking for redemption.
Not from his coach or teammates, mind you, but from his biggest critic: Greg Oden.
"I was a little down on myself," Oden acknowledged Wednesday. "But these last couple of days, I've been working on my game, hitting shots, hitting free throws. I hope things will be better for me."

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Tressel's post-Tennessee-win speech key to season

Thursday, March 22, 2007 Doug Lesmerises

Plain Dealer Reporter
San Antonio- Tonight Ohio State is back to where it all started. The Buckeyes' 68-66 victory over Tennessee on Jan. 13 began their 19-game winning streak and everything that has gone right for them since.
"That's when we started to have more confidence in ourselves," said OSU senior Ron Lewis, who hit the game-winning 3-pointer with 11 seconds left in that game, much like the game-tying 3-pointer he hit in the win over Xavier on Saturday. "We had confidence in being able to come back and hit a clutch shot like that. I think we're playing like 10 times better than we were then."

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Morning Journal

Volunteers learn from mistakes
JASON LLOYD, Morning Journal Writer


SAN ANTONIO -- The good news is that Ohio State has already beaten Tennessee once this year. The bad news is that the Vols have proven to be a team that learns from their mistakes.

Tennessee is 24-10 entering tonight's Sweet 16 matchup in the Alamodome, but five of those 10 losses have come against teams still alive in the NCAA tournament -- Butler, North Carolina, Vanderbilt, Ohio State and Florida. That doesn't include Memphis, which the Vols beat in December.

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College basketball
Making the most of their moment
Buckeyes keep their focus despite lofty expectations
Thursday, March 22, 2007 3:51 AM
By Bob Baptist

NEAL C. LAURON | DISPATCH Ohio State's Greg Oden, right, and teammate Ivan Harris share a laugh during practice.

SAN ANTONIO -- When last these teams met, the stakes were not what they are tonight in an NCAA South Regional semifinal, Tennessee coach Bruce Pearl said. Or were they for Ohio State?
When the Buckeyes, then ranked No. 5, and Volunteers played Jan. 13 in Value City Arena, Ohio State was feeling the burden of expectations. They were adjusting to playing with 7-foot center Greg Oden, who was healing from wrist surgery.

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Rob Oller commentary: If offense sputters, Buckeyes can fall back on defense

Thursday, March 22, 2007 3:50 AM
By rob oller

Every family features some dysfunction -- maybe a sister who screams at the mirror, or a father whose plan for an exotic getaway is driving to Wal-Mart to buy tropical fish. The Ohio State men's basketball team is a family, too, complete with quirks and insecurities. Fortunately for the Buckeyes, the dysfunction is limited to one side of the ball. While the offense has proved itself unstable at times, the defense has been rock-solid most of the season.

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i hear all the pundits remarking about how tennessee is such a good 3-point shooting team. obviously, these guys don't realize that ohio state is actually a percentage point better than tennessee from behind the arc (37% versus 36%). neither team is exceptional from distance. the difference is that tennessee averages 1.5 more makes (4 more attempts) per game. considering that ohio state's 2-point field goal percentage is approximately 50%, the differential is only 0.5 in tennessee's favor (4.5 versus 4.0 points).
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zincfinger;790136; said:
Beating Florida by 13% at home counts as a breakout game, but beating Wisconsin by 35% on a neutral court doesn't?

My thoughts exactly when I read that. Plus, the United Center was about 4-1 Wiscy fans that day.
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Pheasant;790763; said:
On Around the Horn sac-o-shit Bill Plaschke just picked UT to win. 100% guarantee.

Plaschke is one of the biggest west coast homers out there, and I've often thought that this translates into hatred for anything Big Ten. I'm not surprised one bit he picked against us.
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