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Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

NorthEndBuck;787647; said:
I expect Conley to be very agressive at the offensive end, he cannot be stopped when he takes it to the basket. I love when he does because only good things can come from it. When he misses Greg or O are usually there to clean up, and that is where both of them are at their best, also Tenn does not have the height to contest them on the boards.

Yea, Tennessee doesn't have a true center, we have Chism and Crews who are both pretty good size (Somewhere around 6'9). The good thing for Tennessee is just about anybody on the floor can pullout and hit the 3 pointer so that may cause Oden to come out and guard those shots, if he does it would leave the inside open, if he doesn't someone gets a wide open 3.

I do have a feeling that Tennessee is gonna drive the middle alot to try & get Oden in foul trouble. Hopefully Lofton has a good game, if so he can score from anywhere.
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XtennesseeX;788346; said:
Yea, Tennessee doesn't have a true center, we have Chism and Crews who are both pretty good size (Somewhere around 6'9). The good thing for Tennessee is just about anybody on the floor can pullout and hit the 3 pointer so that may cause Oden to come out and guard those shots, if he does it would leave the inside open, if he doesn't someone gets a wide open 3.

I do have a feeling that Tennessee is gonna drive the middle alot to try & get Oden in foul trouble. Hopefully Lofton has a good game, if so he can score from anywhere.
Hi X thanks for stopping by.
What effect do you think Bradshaw will try to have on the game?. And how important do you think he will be in this game?.
I think your whole offense and intensity goes through him.
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Best Buckeye;788354; said:
Hi X thanks for stopping by.
What effect do you think Bradshaw will try to have on the game?. And how important do you think he will be in this game?.
I think your whole offense and intensity goes through him.

Bradshaw doesn't put up alot of points, but he has like 10 assists for every 1 turnover. He is the only senior on the team, so he's a team leader.

I think he has some effect on this game, and will make a few steals, alot of assists, & about anywhere from 5-10 points.

If the game is close, look for him to be a factor. In big, close games he always steps up and makes a play with not much time left.
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XtennesseeX;788365; said:
Bradshaw doesn't put up alot of points, but he has like 10 assists for every 1 turnover.
I think he has some effect on this game, and will make a few steals, alot of assists, & about anywhere from 5-10 points.
2 steals, 4.7 assists, and 5.6 points per game. also, bradshaw is 35% overall, 54% from the line, and 29% behind the arc.

in comparison, conley:

10.6 points
6.2 assists (2.8 a:t)
2.3 steals
52% overall
68% free throws
31% 3-pointers
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I gotta say, Rocky Top has provided some great visitors thus far. A welcome change from your UF/SEC counterparts, especially post NC game. :wink:

Bruce Pearl earned major props today when he explained that the Xavier player flopped during Oden's foul. Well done.
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jwinslow;788380; said:
I gotta say, Rocky Top has provided some great visitors thus far. A welcome change from your UF/SEC counterparts, especially post NC game. :wink:

Bruce Pearl earned major props today when he explained that the Xavier player flopped during Oden's foul. Well done.

Bruce Pearl earned my respect for his whole interview. Seemed like a personable, all around good guy.
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Best Buckeye;788382; said:
FWIW. From what I saw in their last game this kid makes the team go thru his intensity and leadership. He seemed to be a very goos floor general.

Yes, he is like the team's glue. Last year everybody here in Florida hated him because he made both shots in both games against Florida to beat them. This year against Ok State he made a tip in to win the game in the last seconds.

He just plays with alot of heart.

Bradshaw vs Ok State
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BUCKYLE;788385; said:
Bruce Pearl earned my respect for his whole interview. Seemed like a personable, all around good guy.

He is, and a great coach. Tennessee couldn't have asked for a better coach. He attracts attention from the media toward the UT program like crazy. All of which is good.

Bruce Pearl 1 <<<< Audio is a little screwed up on the Vid, but still a cool vid

Bruce Pearl CSTV
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jwinslow;788380; said:
I gotta say, Rocky Top has provided some great visitors thus far. A welcome change from your UF/SEC counterparts, especially post NC game. :wink:

Bruce Pearl earned major props today when he explained that the Xavier player flopped during Oden's foul. Well done.
Great observation winslow. Seriously, if you want to experience a really good day with fans of an SEC school you would be hard pressed to find better, more fun loving folk than those in Knoxville, particularly on Football days.

And as Tennessee is one of the few (only) SEC schools that routinely travels outside of the South for their OOC football games maybe we will one day get that chance. A home and away with the Vols would suit me just fine.

Good people, good fans, who probably deserve better than the football coaching staff gives them.
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Typically, the Buckeyes' zone SHOULD be better against perimeter shooters than that which is normally attributed to zone defenses. This is because the defenders really ought to extend the pressure out to the line because of Oden's presence. I don't know that they are quite as aggressive as they should be, though. Lighty is. The other guys...not so much. If you overextend yourself, that's what Oden's for.

Half of Xavier's threes were the sort of which you can only tip your hat. As with any defensive scheme...if the other team is just plain doing things right, you aren't going to stop them. Tennessee can shoot themselves to a win against anybody. But, they did lose ten games this year.

I still have to question why Pearl is always giving the refs a hard time at HS games, though. That's pretty weak.
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HabaneroBuck;788413; said:
Typically, the Buckeyes' zone SHOULD be better against perimeter shooters than that which is normally attributed to zone defenses. This is because the defenders really ought to extend the pressure out to the line because of Oden's presence. I don't know that they are quite as aggressive as they should be, though. Lighty is. The other guys...not so much. If you overextend yourself, that's what Oden's for.

Yeah I agree with this. extend the D, It is what I would try to do along with trying to deny touches. But, I am not sure which one I would try to deny, Bradshaw or Lofton.
But then again that's why Thad is making the big bucks and I'm posting in Bp lol
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Best Buckeye;788417; said:
Yeah I agree with this. extend the D, It is what I would try to do along with trying to deny touches. But, I am not sure which one I would try to deny, Bradshaw or Lofton.
But then again that's why Thad is making the big bucks and I'm posting in Bp lol

Although Bradshaw is a great player who does things that nobody gives him credit for, you don't want Lofton to have the ball because he can score from anywhere on a good night.

Just my 2 cents.
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