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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

king rhabuf;801590; said:

its not like they didnt kill us earlier this year or win it all last year or anything>_<

Come on King. Now you are polluting this thread?? :roll1: Yeah, they did win it last year and they certainly deserve to be respected for that. But, you really can not take shit from the game in December, that was Oden's 5th game with this team, he had one good hand, and this team was still learning how to play the game as a team. Plus, and a BIG plus, it was played in GAINESVILLE!!! This is a neutral court, with a MUCH improved Buckeyes team that was won 22 games in a row. It will no doubt be an excellent game, but your negativity is not appreciated. Are you even a Buckeyes fan? Do you watch this team or even know anything about it?
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jwinslow;801605; said:
your ability to block out certain (read: bad) games by Quinn* - I mean Florida - is remarkable... only OSU's bad outings count here?

Maybe Florida will be too much for OSU, they're a great team. Then again, so was OSU in football. But in that title game, neither team played like it did in the regular season. Add in drastic differences in our star big, point guard, main scorer & bench play since that december meeting... and you're already throwing in the towel? Weak.

* - UF fans, I'm not comparing your team to Quinn. King merely has a mancrush on him as a prospect that most here do not share, due to 'bad games'.

ding ding ding ding ding.....WINNER!!! :slappy:
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Big Papa;801649; said:
Come on King. Now you are polluting this thread?? :roll1: Yeah, they did win it last year and they certainly deserve to be respected for that. But, you really can not take shit from the game in December, that was Oden's 5th game with this team, he had one good hand, and this team was still learning how to play the game as a team. Plus, and a BIG plus, it was played in GAINESVILLE!!! This is a neutral court, with a MUCH improved Buckeyes team that was won 22 games in a row. It will no doubt be an excellent game, but your negativity is not appreciated. Are you even a Buckeyes fan? Do you watch this team or even know anything about it?

Rhabuf's idol must be tibor.
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Best Buckeye;801629; said:
the pregames start at 7:30 no sitcoms tonight. Just more about the gators

Absolutely, listen to 1 1/2 hours of talk of comparing these Gators to the 92-93 Blue Devils, comparing the match-ups between the two teams (not tOSU, but Duke) and showing a bunch of replays of the Noah's on-court screaming fits. I'll be all over that!!!

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king rhabuf;801656; said:
all im saying is dont cry if we get our asses kicked
So it's better to cower in the corner expecting to lose, than to support your team when facing a tough foe? :roll2:

I'm perfectly capable of respecting the greatness of Florida without preparing the flag of defeat in advance.
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Only 5 more hours...!!!! I can't wait. This is my first post on here. I think Conley is the key to this game, as he is the most explosive, and most dynamic player on the court. It will be important to get sufficient help from our bench though(mainly Cook on offense and Lighty/Hunter on D). I had us in the championship from the start and am so happy to see it happen. I just hope it doesn't turn into Jan. 8. I could not stand watching another team crush our BUCKEYES like that( i was there and it sucked..). But regardless I could not be more proud of how far our team as come and what they have accomplished as freshman(mostly).

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Buckeye.2;801666; said:
Only 5 more hours...!!!! I can't wait. This is my first post on here. I think Conley is the key to this game, as he is the most explosive, and most dynamic player on the court. It will be important to get sufficient help from our bench though(mainly Cook on offense and Lighty/Hunter on D). I had us in the championship from the start and am so happy to see it happen. I just hope it doesn't turn into Jan. 8. I could not stand watching another team crush our BUCKEYES like that( i was there and it sucked..). But regardless I could not be more proud of how far our team as come and what they have accomplished as freshman(mostly).

Hi Buck :io:
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Buckeye.2;801666; said:
Only 5 more hours...!!!! I can't wait. This is my first post on here. I think Conley is the key to this game, as he is the most explosive, and most dynamic player on the court. It will be important to get sufficient help from our bench though(mainly Cook on offense and Lighty/Hunter on D). I had us in the championship from the start and am so happy to see it happen. I just hope it doesn't turn into Jan. 8. I could not stand watching another team crush our BUCKEYES like that( i was there and it sucked..). But regardless I could not be more proud of how far our team as come and what they have accomplished as freshman(mostly).


I guess I'll let this be my first post, too (although I've been lurking a lot - this site has pretty good analysis and recruiting info).

Conley will definitely be a key to the game, but I don't see him being THE key to the game. Stopping Humphrey without giving up ground in the paint will be the key. Obviously with Oden in the guards can be a lot more aggressive on the perimeter, but we need to be able to help out inside without letting Humphrey get lost in rotation, as Florida is so aptly able to do. Then Lee is sitting on the arc wide open, drilling threes.

I think they key is whether we can stop him, and respond with our own "Lee Humphrey." If Ivan Harris or Ron Lewis, or Jamar Butler - or all three - start heating up from outside, we force Florida to worry about the shooters. If Conley keeps the pressure up by driving (and Ron too) then we just turned the tables on Florida. It's no longer how can we match up inside and not give up the perimeter, it's now about how Florida can stop us inside and not give up the perimeter. Keeping Oden in the game for some inside-outside action will be big, too. But we need to keep Florida on its heels defensively.

I think this team is very capable of doing just that. We're definitely underdogs, but no way are we out of it. If Florida expects the same Buckeye team from December, boy are they in for a surprise when these scrappy young SOPHOMORES punch them in the mouth!
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MajesticTurkey;801672; said:
I think they key is whether we can stop him, and respond with our own "Lee Humphrey." !
Nice post majestic. One person who hasn't had much said about him is Humphrey, and you are right we can't let him make 3's. He can kill us as much as anyone else on that team.
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