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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

king rhabuf;801590; said:
its not like they didnt kill us earlier this year or win it all last year or anything>_<
your ability to block out certain (read: bad) games by Quinn* - I mean Florida - is remarkable... only OSU's bad outings count here?

Maybe Florida will be too much for OSU, they're a great team. Then again, so was OSU in football. But in that title game, neither team played like it did in the regular season. Add in drastic differences in our star big, point guard, main scorer & bench play since that december meeting... and you're already throwing in the towel? Weak.

* - UF fans, I'm not comparing your team to Quinn. King merely has a mancrush on him as a prospect that most here do not share, due to 'bad games'.
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[quote='BusNative;80159;4]Someone in the NCAA needs to call the refs before tonight's game and instruct them that keeping Oden out of the game is bad business - I think others share my opinion...

I was wondering when someone in the national media was going to be smart enough to realize that calling ridiculous fouls on Oden is bad for the future of NCAA baseketball. Among other reasons, it increases the likelihood of true NCAA stars being "one and done," and it results in less national interest in the games (i.e., most people outside of Ohio and the D.C. area tuned in to Saturday's game to watch the Hibbert-Oden battle, and they got at most about 8 out of 40 minutes of that matchup).
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SI - the vent

Why Ohio State will win

As my third favorite Neil Young song goes, "Tonight's the night." After nearly five months of watching, studying and writing about college hoops, the two best teams ? Florida and Ohio State ? face off for the national championship. And if you read most experts' take on the game, Ohio State has as much chance of pulling out a victory as the Devil Rays have of winning the 2007 World Series. There is simply too much talent on the Gators squad for the Buckeyes to handle and UF will win in a route, right?

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buckeyeboy;801608; said:
I was wondering when someone in the national media was going to be smart enough to realize that calling ridiculous fouls on Oden is bad for the future of NCAA baseketball. Among other reasons, it increases the likelihood of true NCAA stars being "one and done," and it results in less national interest in the games (i.e., most people outside of Ohio and the D.C. area tuned in to Saturday's game to watch the Hibbert-Oden battle, and they got at most about 8 out of 40 minutes of that matchup).
Starting the game at 9:21 doesn't help the game's image either. I mean, if you live in Philly and have no rooting interest in this game and have to work tomorrow, are you staying up til 12:00 to watch? Not likely.
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[quote='BusNative;80162;4]I always assumed it was for the West Coast... very hard to get viewers at 6:21pm - even harder at 5:21pm, etc.[/quote]Eh, let them watch a delayed feed :p
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I agree, I am sure there is a study or something out there that shows they will "gain" more viewers by starting at a favorable west coast time then they will lose by having it come on later in the east cost.

My personal conspiracy theory is so that Vegas can keep the bets open as long as possible.

BTW, was in Vegas this weekend and the sports book I was at was PACKED with Buckeye fans, it was a great atmosphere to watch the game.
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ESPN's SportsNation Morning Buzz was pretty good today ...


Here are a few that had me rofl. :tongue2:

Mark(HOF City): If Florida and OSU play for College Baseball World Series, I am giving up sports!

Justin (Boston): Joakim Noah is the Billie Jean King of college basketball.

Benji (Cedar Falls, IA): I predict that you will not be able to know the outcome based on Greg Oden's reaction.

Jeff (Iowa): Greg Oden hoists the trophy in one hand while holding his AARP card in the other.

Chris (Atlanta, GA): I can't decide who to cheer for. I hate both teams, Florida especially, but they are in the SEC. A Florida win means SEC supremacy, but the fans get worse and the bandwagon gets more riders. What to do, what to do??

Matt (Grand Rapids): Florida wins and Noah busts out the Carlton dance from the Fresh Prince..

Nick (DC): I think we might see a camera shot with Danny Ainge sitting next to Oden on the OSU bench, because he just happened to get tickets there...

Adam(Chicago, IL): I say Oden's hip breaks at halftime leading to the revelation that he's a 45 year old maintenance man from Kentucky.

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