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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

buckeyeinfla;801154; said:
apparently since fcbs says florida has already beaten osu for the hoops title that will be played tonight....cbs has asked if the gators could beat boston or memphis....wow...the level of disrespect osu is getting reminds me of the 2002 fiesta vs miami....everyone i have seen predicting has uf winning by 10-20 points...am i missing something? this is the same UF team that struggled to beat purdue, butler and oregon...so they beat an undersized, foul ridden UCLA...big deal..gtown is better that UCLA....
Not to mention they were not exactly lights out down the stretch either. Someone needs to remind the so called experts that it's not still December....just b/c we lost by 20+ in Gainsville, does not mean were a lock to loose by 20 again.....Should be a great game, keep on doubting the Buckeyes, we like it better when no one gives us a shot!
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Miller_Time;801396; said:
Not to mention they were not exactly lights out down the stretch either. Someone needs to remind the so called experts that it's not still December....just b/c we lost by 20+ in Gainsville, does not mean were a lock to loose by 20 again.....Should be a great game, keep on doubting the Buckeyes, we like it better when no one gives us a shot!

to further elaborate on that line of thought, with all the hype that the media is giving the 86-60 final score of the first matchup, i think that it's safe to say that the Buckeyes who are playing right now would beat the Buckeyes of Dec 23 by 20+ as well...
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;801327; said:
Here's a confidence boost for ya, LovinBobby....

Any time the Media is universally certain of a result, the opposite comes to pass.

Herbstreit just echoed this on 1460. No one in the press in ATL is rooting for us.
Another thing that bothers me is the shitty officiating this entire tournament! Cheap ass "fouls" [especially on Oden] tonight, could make a huge difference.

:gobucks3: :gobucks4:
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Football coaches help fire up the hoops troops

Monday, April 2, 2007 3:25 AM
By Tim May and Bob Baptist


ATLANTA -- In seeking inspiration for their teams this season, both coaches in tonight's NCAA championship game turned to football coaches.

In Florida's case, Billy Donovan welcomed Gators football coach Urban Meyer and the New England Patriots' Bill Beli- chick. Ohio State's Thad Matta brought in Jim Tressel, whose OSU team was blitzed by Meyer's Gators in the Jan. 8 national-title game but who has directed five national championship campaigns, including in 2002 at Ohio State.

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Slump helped Gators refocus
Three road losses drew fierce criticism
Monday, April 2, 2007 3:26 AM
By Tim May


ATLANTA -- Sometimes a few trips to the woodshed late in the season is just what a team needs. Even a loaded, defending national champion such as Florida.

The sting of getting spanked by lesser teams can at first be numbing, then humbling, then motivating. The Gators experienced all three, especially the latter.
"I believe that helped us a lot," forward Corey Brewer said. "We were getting everybody's best shot, and we needed to take some losses, I guess, because that got us refocused and brought us back to the championship now."

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Florida, OSU are playing for it all
Football schools have reached pinnacle in another major sport
Monday, April 2, 2007 3:31 AM
By Bob Hunter


ATLANTA -- Ohio State has a chance to win its first national championship in men's basketball in 47 years tonight against Florida. It also has a chance to gain revenge for Florida's 41-14 win in the BCS football championship game in January.

Which is more important?
At a place where football is king, and that would be both of these schools, it might just be the revenge factor for some. The Buckeyes' mis- erable night in Glendale, Ariz., is still on the minds of a lot of Ohio State fans and players.
"It's weird," OSU freshman guard Mike Conley Jr. said. "(This) says a lot about the athletic departments at Florida and Ohio State. They both have great athletics. Definitely, Ohio State is a football school still, and we know that. Being basketball players, we don't try to change it. We love football ourselves, and we love going to the games."

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No Respect

I am sitting in the middle of ACC country listen to Carolina, Duke and N.C. State fans whine about how they should be playing tonight. My bracket speaks for itself in that no one can catch me. I had these two teams picked for the match with tOSU winning. Since I am not getting any work done am getting no respect and cant drink here I think I will go home and start. Go Bucks.:osu:

Actually I will be going to the BW'3s in Garner NC if anyone cares to join me.
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