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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

BB73;801324; said:
Transcript of a great (no, just good) press conference yesterday. :tongue2:


I just heard a clip of the media speaking with the Florida players and one of the reporters tried turning what Ron Lewis said about Florida being a "good team" into smack talk and asked Noah about it. Noah, to his credit, clowned the guy, jokingly saying, "no way", "what a terrible person". :slappy: Have to give Noah credit for once, nice to see he was not going to take the bait either.
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Worst-case scenario too scary for OSU fans

Monday, April 2, 2007 3:36 AM
By bob hunter

ATLANTA -- As soon as Florida grabbed a big lead against UCLA on Saturday night, the football jokes started flying inside the Georgia Dome.

(If you're an Ohio State fan in the midst of breakfast, this would be a good time to put that knife down.)
"If Greg Oden dunks the first play of the (championship) game, they'd better be sure he doesn't get tackled in the celebration," one Florida reporter said.
"(Florida basketball coach) Billy Donovan is going to leave a ticket for Roy Hall," said another, referring to the player blamed for injuring Ted Ginn Jr. in a celebration after the first play of the BCS national championship game.
"It's a good thing the Buckeyes don't have 51 days to prepare," cracked another.

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Dings for the negative comments I say!!
We are the Ohio State Buckeyes. We fear no man, or team.
We will conduct ourselves as a team of Ohio State. We don't give a rats ass for any thick headed media type who portrays our Buckeyes in a negative fashion or weak kneed fans. We are proud, we fight hard, we stand with shoulders back and teeth bared to take on all comers.
We, the Ohio State Buckeye fans and the Ohio State Buckeyes will stand up and be counted against the Florida Gators. We will fight them tooth and nail and extend every ounce of our strentgh and energy and passion to show the whole world that we are the epitomy of teams and of sports fans.
We are the Ohio State Buckeyes. Oh my

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Sequel boasts strong character

Monday, April 2, 2007 3:36 AM
By Bob Baptist


ATLANTA -- It was the most lopsided loss of his head coaching life, but Thad Matta said he never thought about wanting another crack at Florida. He said he doesn't think the program he has established at Ohio State thinks that way, either.

"I did," Jamar Butler said yesterday. "I did want another crack at them. I knew we didn't play our best. We played pretty bad. It was on their home floor.
"Now we're on a neutral floor. I think it'll be a different game."
For Ohio State's sake, and that of its chomp-weary fans, it had better be.
Little more than three months after they lost by 26 points to the defending national champion Gators -- not to mention the football fiasco in Glendale, Ariz. -- the Buckeyes have another date with Florida tonight in the Georgia Dome.

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bigballin2987;801441; said:
FWIW I am going to feel so stupid if I went to Gville for both National Championship games and we lost both of them.

But you'll also be showing just what a great fan you are to go directly into enemy camp to root on your Buckeyes...
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tailgater_gal;801515; said:
Dings for the negative comments I say!!
We are the Ohio State Buckeyes. We fear no man, or team.
We will conduct ourselves as a team of Ohio State. We don't give a rats ass for any thick headed media type who portrays our Buckeyes in a negative fashion or weak kneed fans. We are proud, we fight hard, we stand with shoulders back and teeth bared to take on all comers.
We, the Ohio State Buckeye fans and the Ohio State Buckeyes will stand up and be counted against the Florida Gators. We will fight them tooth and nail and extend every ounce of our strentgh and energy and passion to show the whole world that we are the epitomy of teams and of sports fans.
We are the Ohio State Buckeyes. Oh my

I love it! You got to keep the faith. :io:
Upvote 0
tailgater_gal;801515; said:
Dings for the negative comments I say!!
We are the Ohio State Buckeyes. We fear no man, or team.
We will conduct ourselves as a team of Ohio State. We don't give a rats ass for any thick headed media type who portrays our Buckeyes in a negative fashion or weak kneed fans. We are proud, we fight hard, we stand with shoulders back and teeth bared to take on all comers.
We, the Ohio State Buckeye fans and the Ohio State Buckeyes will stand up and be counted against the Florida Gators. We will fight them tooth and nail and extend every ounce of our strentgh and energy and passion to show the whole world that we are the epitomy of teams and of sports fans.
We are the Ohio State Buckeyes. Oh my


DAMN I needed that!!!! :io:
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tailgater_gal;801515; said:
Dings for the negative comments I say!!
We are the Ohio State Buckeyes. We fear no man, or team.
We will conduct ourselves as a team of Ohio State. We don't give a rats ass for any thick headed media type who portrays our Buckeyes in a negative fashion or weak kneed fans. We are proud, we fight hard, we stand with shoulders back and teeth bared to take on all comers.
We, the Ohio State Buckeye fans and the Ohio State Buckeyes will stand up and be counted against the Florida Gators. We will fight them tooth and nail and extend every ounce of our strentgh and energy and passion to show the whole world that we are the epitomy of teams and of sports fans.
We are the Ohio State Buckeyes. Oh my


are you sure you're married?
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tailgater_gal;801515; said:
Dings for the negative comments I say!!
We are the Ohio State Buckeyes. We fear no man, or team.
We will conduct ourselves as a team of Ohio State. We don't give a rats ass for any thick headed media type who portrays our Buckeyes in a negative fashion or weak kneed fans. We are proud, we fight hard, we stand with shoulders back and teeth bared to take on all comers.
We, the Ohio State Buckeye fans and the Ohio State Buckeyes will stand up and be counted against the Florida Gators. We will fight them tooth and nail and extend every ounce of our strentgh and energy and passion to show the whole world that we are the epitomy of teams and of sports fans.
We are the Ohio State Buckeyes. Oh my


Best Buckeye;801569; said:
are you sure you're married?
That's awesome. :slappy:
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buckeyeboy;801314; said:
Yeah, it's kind of funny how Florida is played close by Purdue, Butler, and Oregon, yet we have absolutely no chance against them. :roll1: . I just hope our guys are hearing all of this and it is fueling the fire for a major upset tonight.

its not like they didnt kill us earlier this year or win it all last year or anything>_<
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Someone in the NCAA needs to call the refs before tonight's game and instruct them that keeping Oden out of the game is bad business - I think others share my opinion...

Chris Dufresne - LA Times

Not worth reading the whole thing, but its nice to see someone recognize the ridiculousness of some of Oden's "fouls"

Big men could run afoul

By Chris Dufresne, Times Staff Writer
April 2, 2007

ATLANTA ? Are the officials going to let the big guys play?

That's one of the big questions entering tonight's national title game between Florida and Ohio State at the Georgia Dome...

ESPN - Doug Gottlieb

(Its really a Schlabach column with a Gottlieb blurb)

If anyone wonders why we never seem to have quality kids in college basketball, maybe they should watch the first half of the the first Final Four game. The cheap calls against both Greg Oden and Roy Hibbert took the two most watchable bigs in the NCAA out of the game. So to Ted Valentine, Mike Kitts and Rick Catmell, we did not come to see you ref.
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king rhabuf;801590; said:
its not like they didnt kill us earlier this year or win it all last year or anything>_<
Did you just hear about this or something? I guess you have never needed any motivation in your life. Our team is in the big game of their lives! I guess you did know that either? Go Bucks!
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king rhabuf;801590; said:

its not like they didnt kill us earlier this year or win it all last year or anything>_<

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king rhabuf;801590; said:
its not like they didnt kill us earlier this year or win it all last year or anything>_<

Right, so we might as well not even bother showing up tonight based on the December 23 game and the fact that Florida won it all last year. :roll1: . Great logic. I guess I must have missed the news that tonight's game was moved to Gainesville, Oden has a bum wrist again, and Florida will again shoot 75% from the field in the second half.
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