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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

Everything I'm reading online today is all about FL being the favorite to win, how FL owns us... whatever. I'm nervous as hell and I'm trying to keep the faith but my nerves are out of control & my stomach is killing me!!!
Anyone else feel me??? I felt the same way all day the day of the BCS game. Local news says the only way we can win is if we play flawlessly-- is there such a thing?!?!

:gobucks3: :gobucks4: :osu2: :oh: :io:
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Transcript of a great (no, just good) press conference yesterday. :tongue2:


Jamar Butler, Mike Conley, Jr., Ivan Harris, Ron Lewis, Thad Matta and Greg Oden

THE MODERATOR: We'll be joined by Coach Matta shortly. We'll take questions for the student-athletes.
Q. Greg, obviously you have two big guys to go against. Can you talk about the dimension Chris Richard adds?

Greg Oden: I mean, he's another big body that can come in and he can post up, get a lot of offensive rebounds, defensive rebounds. He's another presence in there that you have to worry about.

Q. Greg, can you relate to us, do you see any kind of difference in the way games are officiated in the tournament versus during a regular season and why that might be?

Greg Oden: I have no idea why they officiated it harder. It just seems to me that they call more ticky-tack fouls than they did in the regular season, especially in the Big-10 season.

Q. Can you talk about the difference between this team now and the one that went to Gainesville back in December, how much more confident and mature this team is?

Mike Conley, Jr.: Well, we've grown as a team since then. There's a lot of things we weren't doing very well at that time. Our defense wasn't where it's at right now.

Cont'd ...
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ChrisWells28;801337; said:
does anyone know what the analyst said after the Georgetown game, after 95% of them were wrong??????
The analyst? Could you clarify who you're asking about?

If you mean CBS, Conley called out Kellogg, and he responded that he was motivating the team. Davis joked that he picked OSU, which he didn't.
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It's a nice change to be the underdog, and not have a huge target on your back.

I guess it kind of minimizes it though, when you only have 2 days to wait untill the championship game, unlike the BCS Title game when people had over a month to hype it up.
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