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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

SanAntonioBuck;801681; said:
Let's hope his jump shot is "mucho frio" tonight.
Not gonna happen unless we keep a hand in his face, he is shooting 3's at a phenominal pace so far in the tourney. Probably because they have all been wide open for the most part. If we leave him alone , with Fla's ability to get men open we are dog meat

Ok to pass the time I am going to go mow the grass, or at least get the mower started for the wife
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Best Buckeye;801685; said:
Not gonna happen unless we keep a hand in his face, he is shooting 3's at a phenominal pace so far in the tourney. Probably because they have all been wide open for the most part. If we leave him alone , with Fla's ability to get men open we are dog meat

Yeah, and we've shown the tendency to leave players open on the perimeter for threes. Hopefully Ron Lewis is ready to step up his defense, because we'll need our best guard defender, Jamar Butler, elsewhere.
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Check this out King . Now THIS is a buckeye fan,

tailgater_gal;801515; said:
Dings for the negative comments I say!!
We are the Ohio State Buckeyes. We fear no man, or team.
We will conduct ourselves as a team of Ohio State. We don't give a rats ass for any thick headed media type who portrays our Buckeyes in a negative fashion or weak kneed fans. We are proud, we fight hard, we stand with shoulders back and teeth bared to take on all comers.
We, the Ohio State Buckeye fans and the Ohio State Buckeyes will stand up and be counted against the Florida Gators. We will fight them tooth and nail and extend every ounce of our strentgh and energy and passion to show the whole world that we are the epitomy of teams and of sports fans.
We are the Ohio State Buckeyes. Oh my

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MajesticTurkey;801690; said:
Yeah, and we've shown the tendency to leave players open on the perimeter for threes. Hopefully Ron Lewis is ready to step up his defense, because we'll need our best guard defender, Jamar Butler, elsewhere.
They guarded againt the three pretty well vs Georgetown.
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they need to stay with humphrey no matter where he goes...butler needs to be with no matter what the situation...florida struggles until he starts hitting....UCLA was down 6 at the half..humphrey hits 2 quick 3's to start the second half and that was it....florida is so good the first 5 minutes of the second half...they either get back in a game or extend a lead there
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I can't wait. I finally took the plunge and got a 50" HDTV on Thursday. I didn't get to watch the last game against Georgetown on it though because I was out of town. No better way to break in a new tv then watching the Buckeyes go for a National Championship!!! :oh:
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I look at this game and all the pressure is on Florida in my opinion....I believe the 26 point loss to them will be to our advantage tonight.

I see a close game, very close. The question is do we double down on Horford and Noah and leave their perimeter guys open? I think we will try to keep them off balance and it would not suprise me to see more zone than man in this one also.

I don't see a clear cut Florida win like most "experts" are seeing.......
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buckeyeinfla;801696; said:
they need to stay with humphrey no matter where he goes...butler needs to be with no matter what the situation...florida struggles until he starts hitting....UCLA was down 6 at the half..humphrey hits 2 quick 3's to start the second half and that was it....florida is so good the first 5 minutes of the second half...they either get back in a game or extend a lead there

Very much agreed.

Florida struggled against Purdue, Butler and Oregon. There's something to exploit there. If we get them to play us like they did Oregon, we'll easily beat them. I think we can stop Humphrey, and we'll be able to disrupt Florida just enough to let us run.

I'm pumped for this game, I've loved OSUBB since I got to see Michael Redd and Scoonie Penn when I was a boy.

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stay with their 3 point shooters...that is how they break your back...noah gets junk...horford will get the ball on the post back down with 2 dribbles and he ALWAYS goes baseline with the turn...i would make those guys battle over a 7 footer to score than give humphrey and green good looks...eventually they make those...the ONLY reason they beat oregon was b/c of their 3 point shooting...everyone thinks florida is about horford and noah..they are not..they are about shooting the rock from 3..just like Tenn

now osu has faced good 3 point shooters all season...humphrey is a stand still shooter...drive and kick to him...stay with their shooters!! take away humphrey and make then earn the win down low...if they aren't hitting 3's they will struggle (purdue and butler, and most their losses)
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buckeyeinfla;801705; said:
stay with their 3 point shooters...that is how they break your back...noah gets junk...horford will get the ball on the post back down with 2 dribbles and he ALWAYS goes baseline with the turn...i would make those guys battle over a 7 footer to score than give humphrey and green good looks...eventually they make those...the ONLY reason they beat oregon was b/c of their 3 point shooting...everyone thinks florida is about horford and noah..they are not..they are about shooting the rock from 3..just like Tenn

now osu has faced good 3 point shooters all season...humphrey is a stand still shooter...drive and kick to him...stay with their shooters!! take away humphrey and make then earn the win down low...if they aren't hitting 3's they will struggle (purdue and butler, and most their losses)
Nice input Buckeye
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