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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

Aside from guarding UF's threes, a big key to this game will be how well Conley, Lewis, Cook and Lighty can get into the paint. They have to get in there and mix it up with the UF bigs - can't be scared of getting blocked. If our slashing athletes can get in there, UF tends to be VERY aggressive going after the ball. We've already seen how well Oden and Hunter can do on the offensive glass following drives. Driving and short dump passes to Oden and Hunter will work also.

I think tOSU needs to be even more aggressive than they've ever been out of the gate at getting in that paint and making things happen. Drawing attention away from Oden will likely keep him in the game longer and perhaps force their bigs out of the game not to mention open up our own threes.
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i have seen most gator games (SEC games and all) on our central fla foxsports....florida will let you in games...but they make runs...by using the 3....Vandy at UF had them down 10 at the half and in the first 5 minutes of the second half had cut into it by 8....remember donovan is a Pitino follower...pitino's teams always shot a lot of 3's at UK....that is how they make runs...fla is no different...

humphrey is the key:

against Vandy in the loss he was 3-8 from 3...

against UT in the loss: he was 3-7 from 3..Team shot 28 % from 3

against LSU in the loss: he was 1-6 from 3...team shot 11 % from 3

also UF has a tendancy to place matador defense in the lane...even jackson state was gettingn to the basket with some ease...osu guards have to attack the rim

slow down their 3's and they struggle...BTW UF shot 50 % against osu the first time from 3 and we lost..hold humphrey to 3 or less from 3 and osu has a great shot to win
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buckeyeinfla;801721; said:
i have seen most gator games (SEC games and all) on our central fla foxsports....florida will let you in games...but they make runs...by using the 3....Vandy at UF had them down 10 at the half and in the first 5 minutes of the second half had cut into it by 8....remember donovan is a Pitino follower...pitino's teams always shot a lot of 3's at UK....that is how they make runs...fla is no different...

humphrey is the key:

against Vandy in the loss he was 3-8 from 3...

against UT in the loss: he was 3-7 from 3..Team shot 28 % from 3

against LSU in the loss: he was 1-6 from 3...team shot 11 % from 3

also UF has a tendancy to place matador defense in the lane...even jackson state was gettingn to the basket with some ease...osu guards have to attack the rim

slow down their 3's and they struggle...BTW UF shot 50 % against osu the first time from 3 and we lost..hold humphrey to 3 or less from 3 and osu has a great shot to win

that is one thing I don't remember Ohio State doing a lot of in the first matchup back in December.

Conley is a completely different player and I think he is the key for Ohio State. If he can get Florida to react to him, that will open up Oden and Hunter inside and Harris and Lewis outside.

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BuckeyeMike80;801723; said:
that is one thing I don't remember Ohio State doing a lot of in the first matchup back in December.

Conley is a completely different player and I think he is the key for Ohio State. If he can get Florida to react to him, that will open up Oden and Hunter inside and Harris and Lewis outside.

I look for Conley and Lewis to attack the rim with Gusto. Conley is so good at it and it seems to me that when lewis does it then that is what gets him going and leads to his 3's
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If we win this, don't be surprised if we get 15 or more from one of Butler, Harris or Cook. One of these three has to step up big tonight IMO. The spotlight will be cast on Oden, Conley & Lewis. If one of the other 3 steps up, it could be the difference.
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went back and watched that game again...osu was getting great looks and shots weren't dropping...osu actually had a chance to build a lead but hunter had several bad plays in a row....OSU can get to the rim...but need shots to drop...i attribute the 30-9 run as inexperinence by osu..that won't happen tonight....if oden can stay on the floor, osu has a chance

it was 38-30 to start the second half...osu got it tied then oden got called and sat after that...it was turnovers, missed 3's....but osu has to do a better job on the glass....several times noah put back missed shots on o-rebounds...the first 5 minutes of the second half will give you a great indication of how the game will end up
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Piggy-backing on bif's above remarks: Keep in mind we were tied in the second half (either 38-38 or 40-40) before flat-out collapsing. Our team is light-years of what it was in December...Florida is not. We played them dead-even, on their court when they were hot, for over a half. There is no reason why we can't have a 6-10 point lead early in the second half.

Also, with Oden most likely gone and Conley likely staying, this is very likely their last game together, ever...tell me these two guys aren't going to play balls-to-the-wall for 40 minutes.
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BuckeyeMike80;801723; said:
that is one thing I don't remember Ohio State doing a lot of in the first matchup back in December.

Conley is a completely different player and I think he is the key for Ohio State. If he can get Florida to react to him, that will open up Oden and Hunter inside and Harris and Lewis outside.

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I just seen a smoking hot MILF walking around my apartment complex pushing a stroller. Burnette with big cans and a nice tan. Then it happened she turned to face me revealing that the blue tank top she was wearing said gators in orange right on the front of it....:smash: I almost cried.
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