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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

Absolutely, my Hawaiian Comrade. We were hanging well with Florida until they went on the ol' home-court run, and we were just way too inexperienced to handle it. We couldn't adjust to the game, we choked, and they smelled the weakness and ate the Buckeyes alive. This team gets run on, but has taken to responding. 10-2 run against G'Town, 35-16 against Memphis, let's not forget that great comeback against Tennessee or Xavier, 23-11 against Wisconsin, 17-7 on Purdue, and another 17-5 run on them. All to put the Bucks out of doubt and into the W column.

I think if and when Florida starts coming out hard, the Bucks will just clamp down and play harder instead of rolling over. That's why this could be a good game.
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scarletandgrey;801756; said:
I just seen a smoking hot MILF walking around my apartment complex pushing a stroller. Burnette with big cans and a nice tan. Then it happened she turned to face me revealing that the blue tank top she was wearing said gators in orange right on the front of it....:smash: I almost cried.
C'mon the tip off should have been obvious , as soon as you saw she is a burnette :biggrin:
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I think this warrants repeating:

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I'm in florida on spring break...south of tampa...radio station was offering amnesty to 'transplanted buckeyes" to join "gator nation"... it is sad down here and they are so sure they are gonna win...:osu:
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