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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)


Hopefully we will be cheering again tonight.:osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: GO BUCKS:osu: :osu: FLorida Fans said they can beat us in football:osu: :osu: We are saying we can beat them in basketball:osu: :osu: :oh:
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Brewer is an awesome player but to put him on Conley is just stupid IMO. Brewer may be quick but he isn't Conley quick. Conley would be by him before Brewer could even use his length to stop him.

Put Brewer on Conley and you'll see Lewis go off.
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ChrisWells28;801822; said:

Hopefully we will be cheering again tonight.:osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: :osu: GO BUCKS:osu: :osu: FLorida Fans said they can beat us in football:osu: :osu: We are saying we can beat them in basketball:osu: :osu: :oh:

Still get chills from this video.

I'm starting to see the similarities between our '02 Nat'l Champ FB Team and '07 BB team in this video:

This could be in line with Lewis hitting a three with 2.5 left vs Xavier.

Let's Go Buckeyes!!

Let's Go Buckeyes!!!

Let's Go Buckeyes!!!

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