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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

Wow, I am so fucking pumped for this game it is unbelievable..Rece Davis was talking about how this was like the BCS pregame just the opposite..Everybody pickin Florida tonight and I think Ohio State will come out on a big run..LET'S GO BUCKEYES!!!:biggrin:
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I guess the tipoff is at 9:21 so they can have 10 minutes of commercials, 10 minutes of Gator love, and 1 minute to award the $100,000 schollie to tOSU.

Let's tip this sucker off!
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It's funny how some of the Assholes were picking G-town to win this game when there were still four left.

But no respect for The Ohio State University.

It will make it all the sweeter!!

Our Honor Defend, We Will Fight Till The End For OHIO!!!:osu:

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