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Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

Jake;1305194; said:
I can hear them now...



I had a kid get in my face a few weeks ago on a Saturday morning at Dunkin Donuts here in the city. I'm minding my own business and the douche turns, sees me all decked out in my gear and says "you know Penn State is going to kill you this year". I looked at him and laughed.
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fourteenandoh;1305196; said:
I had a kid get in my face a few weeks ago on a Saturday morning at Dunkin Donuts here in the city. I'm minding my own business and the douche turns, sees me all decked out in my gear and says "you know Penn State is going to kill you this year". I looked at him and laughed.

Should've told him to eat a bag of dicks.
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