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Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

stowfan;1305106; said:
I watched the Cavs preseason game played at the Shot last night. It was mentioned that Lebron was going to stay over to take in the PSU Game. I wonder if he'll get a side line pass?

He's going to join the Gameday boys in a bit. If you were LeBron, wouldn't YOU get a sideline pass? :p
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im so excited for tonight's game! I live in IL and all the ILLINI fans are giving me crap saying penn st is going to win the shoe just like we did. I told them just watch tonight and you will see the best 1 loss team in the nation and maybe the best team in the country at least in my opinoin

GO bucks
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Good Gameday Morning Buckeye Planet!!! Looks like Columbus is already rocking, naturally. The energy will be electric inside Ohio Stadium tonight, and I believe our defense is going to feed off that engery and hold Penn State to it's lowest point total all year. On the national stage, at home, Terrelle Pryor is going to shine, and solidify himself as a true Heisman candidate in 2009. Oh...and Beanie Wells? Well, he's not going to go the whole year without a 200 yard game. He loves to shine in big games. Sorry Kitties...no win in The Shoe for you!!! FIRE UP BUCKEYES!!!

GO BUCKS!!!!!!!
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