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Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)


Article published Saturday, October 25, 2008
National focus on Buckeyes, Lions

The Buckeyes' Chris 'Beanie' Wells is looking forward to playing on the national stage.

COLUMBUS - With unbeaten and third-ranked Penn State set to take the national stage here tonight against No. 10 Ohio State, there's been a lot of chatter about the enormous impact of this game. The stock of one of these two teams should spike with the outcome, while the other's will certainly crash.

The thinking is that a Penn State win against a top-10 team inside a stadium where the Nittany Lions have not been able to win since 10 years before Chris "Beanie" Wells was born should pay significant dividends.

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Penn State defense confident
Nittany Lions aim to atone for their dreadful '07 play
Saturday, October 25, 2008 3:35 AM
By Bill Rabinowitz


A year ago, in another much-hyped matchup, Ohio State's A.J. Trapasso was given the night off by the Penn State defense.
"Last year, they didn't punt the ball against us," Nittany Lions defensive end Josh Gaines said. "From a defensive standpoint, that's embarrassing."
Ohio State gained 453 yards and had 24 first downs in a 37-17 rout at Penn State.
Penn State returns most of its defense from that game, but the Nittany Lions think they are better prepared for Ohio State's offense than they were in 2007.

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5 key factors

Saturday, October 25, 2008 3:10 AM
By Ken Gordon


1. Which QB follows 'the formula?'

According to Ohio State coach Jim Tressel, the Buckeyes have never lost a game in which the quarterback rushed for at least 50 yards and did not throw an interception. Assuming that winning formula would hold true for both teams, which team's QB can achieve that: Terrelle Pryor for OSU or Daryll Clark for Penn State? Pryor has more rushing yards this year (411 to Clark's 190), and each has thrown only two interceptions.
2. Stay at home

For Penn State, it's imperative that the Nittany Lions hem in Pryor. Purdue did that effectively two weeks ago, moving their defensive ends out wide. Pryor gained just 20 yards on 15 carries. Michigan State, though, lost containment. The Buckeyes' defense has improved recently in large part because they quit overpursuing. That needs to continue against Clark and running back Evan Royster.
3. Watch out for Williams

Penn State's Derrick Williams is doing his best Ted Ginn Jr. impression, with 65 touches this season (17 rushes, 25 receptions, 12 punt returns and 11 kickoff returns). He has scored touchdowns in all four of those phases, and he is fifth in the nation in kickoff-return average (32.2 yards).

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JoePa's legend is of a Lion who won't be caged

Saturday, October 25, 2008 Bill Livingston
Plain Dealer Columnist


- The Lion King never called Bear Bryant "Bear," although everyone else did. To Joe Paterno, the Alabama coach was always "Paul," Bryant's given name.
It was as though Paterno couldn't believe even one part of anyone else's legend, not if he was going to become one himself.
Sitting in a hotel suite on the Nebraska prairie in September 1981, he could not have known he would pass Bryant and become, depending on how Bobby Bowden did with Florida State that week, either the winningest or second-winningest coach in big-time college football history.
In 1981, Paterno was 54 years old when the season started, already past the age at which Darrell Royal and Frank Broyles had hung up their headsets and John McKay had moved to the NFL.

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Wonder if we don't see a lot of inside run plays with Beanie being the lead blocker for Pryor? State Penn will probably split their DE's out wider to keep contain. Pryor could take some hits, but he could break off some big runs. :biggrin:
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OSU history: Penn State had edge until jump to Big Ten

Saturday, October 25, 2008 3:12 AM
By Rob Oller


Hard as it is to believe, there really was a Penn State before Joe Paterno. And those Nittany Lions put it to Ohio State pretty good.
Back in the day -- make that way back in the day, before Paterno took over as coach in 1966 -- the Nittany Lions and Buckeyes played four times, with Penn State winning all four in Columbus.
Penn State was 6-2 overall against OSU before joining the Big Ten in 1993. Paterno was 1-2 vs. Woody Hayes and 1-0 vs. Earle Bruce, who said those Nittany Lions were even more the Beast from the East than they are now.
"They got the best players from New Jersey and New York," Bruce said. "They'd make a list of the 17 to 20 best players and get them."
For one Pittsburgh-area recruit, Brian Baschnagel, the Buckeyes' 1975 win against Penn State in Ohio Stadium ranks among his favorite memories.

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Taosman;1305065; said:
Wonder if we don't see a lot of inside run plays with Beanie being the lead blocker for Pryor? State Penn will probably split their DE's out wider to keep contain. Pryor could take some hits, but he could break off some big runs. :biggrin:

I was thinking this as well. You know they'll be concerned with containing TP on the edge...middle may be wide open.

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Taosman;1305065; said:
Wonder if we don't see a lot of inside run plays with Beanie being the lead blocker for Pryor? State Penn will probably split their DE's out wider to keep contain. Pryor could take some hits, but he could break off some big runs. :biggrin:

How about the pistol with Beanie and B. Smith? They could run a triple option look, have Smith take out the MLB, and then make the read. It would be cool to see Beanie pancake a safety, but he can do that while he has the ball, too.
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Penn State fans are definitely number one on my most hated fan bases as of last night (they weren't far down before last night though).

There were a LOT of Penn State assholes running around Columbus last night.

Some of them were doing the Zombie Nation thing outside of McFadden's at the gateway and getting rowdy and bumping into people after last call... they got maced, that was pretty enjoyable, but Penn State fans were doing obnoxious shit like that all night.

Fuck them.

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