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Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

buckeyes_rock;1305283; said:
Totally agree. Herbie even mentioned it on Gameday...gotta break the run predictability, especially on first down.

I'm pumped...TP and Beanie are made for the Big games! And I'm sure MJ and Lil Animal are going to bring it too!


You make tendencies so that you can break them in big games. Trust me Tressel knows his stats and he knows the other teams know them too. I think we will pass more on 1st down but hey if the run is working don't go away from it.
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Bucks21;1305325; said:
You make tendencies so that you can break them in big games. Trust me Tressel knows his stats and he knows the other teams know them too. I think we will pass more on 1st down but hey if the run is working don't go away from it.

that's conventional wisdom, but you have to admit that we don't really have a history of breaking tendencies in big games.
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fourteenandoh;1305272; said:
Penn State's left side is a friekin siv. here's the ILL highlights.

YouTube - Illinois vs. Penn State 2008

check out the two plays around 2.45 in the video. these will both work against us.

Cool. Thanks for posting. From those highlights, I took away two things: 1. PSU has a very impressive offense with a lot of different looks, and great blocking, 2. Illinois is terrible at pass coverage, and worse at open field tackling. I hope to God we don't leave receivers wide open like that. It's bound to happen once, but Ill just looked lost. Fuck it. We've just got to go out there and take control. Hit Clark early and often. Win the man to man battles. How will "spread HD" react when we turn it into "3 and out HD"? They're coming into our house, and they will learn that their place is on the ground, and they must stay on the ground until given permission to get up. Does Rob Reynolds have to choke a bitch?
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fourteenandoh;1305358; said:
i was thinking that a lot watching those highlights. if we make open field tackles they don't score half of those touchdowns in that video.

Not to mention leaving WRs with 10 yds of open space. How bout the play at the end where a LB broke off Quarless to double cover the SE on a 3 yd hitch, and left the safety to try to race to the corner? Ugh. Illi's D made PSU's O look good, and Illi's O made PSU's D look good. Though, PSU's D-line is tough. Looked like PSU just contained the edges, and Juice ended up running east and west with nowhere to go. If Clark tries to run wild on us, he will get a helmet right in his numbers.
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fourteenandoh;1305337; said:
what's that supposed to mean. other than miami in 02 and every Michigan game we don't break tendancy.
It's pretty obvious what it means. 2007 & 2008 have somehow erased Tressel's track record before those years. I expect that on ESPN & around the nation, but would hope OSU fans would remember a bit better.

Or you could look back at PSU 07, despite the rest of the season.
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Heading out to pick up supplies, then over to a friend's for the game. He's a ND fan, but he's got 2 big screens and a fully stocked bar. Also, one of the crew that I used to watch every game with before he moved back to Cleveland is coming down for the first time this season. Everything has the makings of a good night, just need the Buckeyes to bring it home. Hope everybody has a great time. Go Buckeyes!!!


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jwinslow;1305418; said:
It's pretty obvious what it means. 2007 & 2008 have somehow erased Tressel's track record before those years. I expect that on ESPN & around the nation, but would hope OSU fans would remember a bit better.

Or you could look back at PSU 07, despite the rest of the season.

obviously, more time than not it works, so it isn't an issue. however, you don't think we have a tendancy to stick with what we are comfortable with just a little too often?
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