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Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

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CentralMOBuck;1305544; said:
GO BUCKS! Anyone else think ABC's broadcasts look like complete crap? I'm not watching in HD either and it's probably due to the local station as well.

utgrad73;1305546; said:
Let's go Bucks, add a few more lines to Joe Pa's face

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Deety;1305548; said:
A little dark and fuzzy. Hopefully they have the better cameras pointed toward the field...

The lighting in the Shoe isn't the best, either. I think it'll be okay once they're aimed at the field. The crowd shots are going to be a little dark.
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CentralMOBuck;1305544; said:
GO BUCKS! Anyone else think ABC's broadcasts look like complete crap? I'm not watching in HD either and it's probably due to the local station as well.


It always does, I hate ABC games. I watched on HDTV last week and the picture still sucked. I don't understand because ABC is espn's "sister" company. ESPN is always clear and ABC is always shitty.

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