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Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

fourteenandoh;1305429; said:
obviously, more time than not it works, so it isn't an issue. however, you don't think we have a tendancy to stick with what we are comfortable with just a little too often?

Good discussion between you and jwins about tendencies. Generally speaking they don't break a lot of tendencies. What you see is what you get. The only times where they've really broken some tendencies is when they find an area that they really could continuously exploit, such as running Krenzel on draws vs. Miami or taking the passing game out of the equation vs. Michigan because of the weather. Other than, what you see is what you get.
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1926Buckeyes;1305462; said:
In big games I'd say that Tressel as broken tendencies in 03 against KSU, 04 against Mchgn maybe and OKST, 05 against ND, 06 against UM, 07 against PSU.

I think you are mistaking excellent execution with breaking tendencies. OSU didn't do anything different against KSU than it did against anyone else that year. '04 Michigan game was a coming out party for Troy. We had Zwick at QB vs. OK State, and Teddy played some QB too, remember? '06 UM was the same offense that we ran all year long. '07 vs. PSU, again, we simply had better execution.
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Outside of big games, I think you have a point. There's also the matter of personnel, which has been so-so most years (except 05 and 06) on offense. 08 could get there, but the ol has to make that possible consistently.)

Either way, psu 07 was a big game, and they certainly mixed it up then.
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jwinslow;1305496; said:
Outside of big games, I think you have a point. There's also the matter of personnel, which has been so-so most years (except 05 and 06) on offense. 08 could get there, but the ol has to make that possible consistently.)

Either way, psu 07 was a big game, and they certainly mixed it up then.

Yeah I hope we use the TEs, Hartline and Sanzo a lot in attacking the middle because their LBers aren't very good.
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As usual, I am going to close this thread for a few minutes and reiterate the ground rules ... no whining, no bitching, no moaning, and especially no bashing the players or the coaches ... if you do, it'll be a two-week vacation. And if you're a Penn State fan, no flaming or trolling, or it will be your last visit to BuckeyePlanet.

Just remember, it's your God-given right to bash "your" team ... if you do so, it only makes you look stupid ... but if you do so on BuckeyePlanet, it makes us us look stupid for allowing it ... and we certainly don't want to look stupid, now do we?

PS - I am using my manly bearded avatar this evening. Props to Deety for creating it.
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It's all about the big boys tonight. Our guys whup their guys, we win.

I can't believe how nervous I get just watching the Buckeyes. For me, PSU is almost as bad as scUM. :pissed:
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