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Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

jwinslow;1299607; said:
thanks... holding true to PSU-OSU stereotypes isn't a bad omen, though :biggrin:

So I'm at work, busting my balls, and I'm hungry. So I say to Maynor, my Guatemalan co-worker, "Vamanos almuerzo," so we hop in the truck and start heading down the road looking for some grub. It's about 1:30 and I've got the radio on 680 The Fan which is Atlanta's biggest sports station, and the Jim Donnan show is on. After the end of a commercial or two, they come back to the show and introduce, The Ohio State University Football Coach Jim Tressel as their guest. Fuck yeah, great timing. So they trade greetings but right before the interview starts Donnan drops this little gem.

(in his old southern raspy slooooooooow draw)
"Well, Jim, I checked my logs and it seems that every time you've come on my show, you've won that week, seems to be a good omen."

JT says: "Well let's keep that luck going."

And I'm thinking, what a great way to start the week JT.

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nuts4dabucks;1299664; said:
Good thing we don't depend largely on our passing game. Gotta protect the ball and hang onto the slippery thing. Also cover up loose balls on defense.

To be fair though, weather forecasts are not worth too much if they're more than a couple days out.

If it is raining though, you're right. It would seem to favor our running attack.

... is it Saturday yet?

jmorbitz;1299674; said:

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If memory serves, most of our (PSU) games in the shoe are slop fests!
Rain or shine, it's going to be a fun day and night in Columbus. Hopefully the fun goes on way into the morning hours as well. It is tough to imagine the winner of this game not winning the Big Ten. The loser of this game still has a shot at a BCS game though. Especially a 1 loss Penn State team. We will see.
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JXC;1299882; said:
Rain or shine, it's going to be a fun day and night in Columbus. Hopefully the fun goes on way into the morning hours as well. It is tough to imagine the winner of this game not winning the Big Ten. The loser of this game still has a shot at a BCS game though. Especially a 1 loss Penn State team. We will see.


nevermind, i thought you meant the BCS game
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Hopefully, the "reverse mirror of 2005 effect" doesn't hold true:

2005: Two losses - at home to eventual national champ, on the road to #3 PSU
2008: Two losses - on the road to eventual national champ, at home to # 3 PSU
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MililaniBuckeye;1299887; said:
Hopefully, the "reverse mirror of 2005 effect" doesn't hold true:

2005: Two losses - at home to eventual national champ, on the road to #3 PSU
2008: Two losses - on the road to eventual national champ, at home to # 3 PSU

Well, if it helps, they weren't #3 at the time we played them in 2005...
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I know it's still early with the weather forecast, so I'm not hanging my hat on it too much.

As for this game, I really think that this is the first time that Penn St. will be tested this season. We have an advantage with who we have played, especially USC. Nothing against the Lions, but not even their best game in the past 5 years could duplicate how good USC was on that fateful night in September. We were without Beanie, who by the way, is really starting to look healthy again. Pryor was a novelty item that was inserted into the offense from time to time to provide a spark. Here we are, October is winding down......and the Bucks are in position to make some major noise once again. This team has finally found it's identity......Saturday night is the time to break back into the national spotlight. The Shoe will be a fucking zoo......I cannot wait for this one!
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daddyphatsacs;1299963; said:
I know it's still early with the weather forecast, so I'm not hanging my hat on it too much.

As for this game, I really think that this is the first time that Penn St. will be tested this season. We have an advantage with who we have played, especially USC. Nothing against the Lions, but not even their best game in the past 5 years could duplicate how good USC was on that fateful night in September. We were without Beanie, who by the way, is really starting to look healthy again. Pryor was a novelty item that was inserted into the offense from time to time to provide a spark. Here we are, October is winding down......and the Bucks are in position to make some major noise once again. This team has finally found it's identity......Saturday night is redemption time. :oh:

I motherfuckin' O!!
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I noticed in Omaha's post about the Scarlet fever or whatever they are calling it that Nationwide is sponsoring Scarlet Rally Towels for the first 80,000. What? Really? You couldn't spring for the other 25,000? Damn vBanking Crisis is ruining everything.
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I'd like to see us have a game like this one, us being GT, of course:

Cumberland - 0
27 attempts, -42 yards (0 TD)
2-18, 14 yards, 0 TD, 6 INT
0-0 FG
0-0 XP
9 fumbles

Georgia Tech
- 222
28 attempts, 978 yards (20 TD)
0-0, 0 TD 0 INT
0-0 FG
30-32 XP
0 turnovers
I'd like to see us make all the XPs, though.
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