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Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

That's kind of sick. Georgia Tech averaged 35 yards a play...without passing. And only had 28 plays, and scored on 20 of them. To see something like this would have been sick to watch. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this game is a little bit closer. I love close games, they are fun...plus Tressel is good in close games. Penn State hasn't had a close game, we've had a couple this year, and that will pay off if this one is close. The Shoe is going to be amazing. This is the most excited i've been for a non Michigan home game, maybe ever. Texas was big...but I have much more contempt for Penn State...I'd love to ruin their perfect season, and win the Big Ten by going right thru them.
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JXC;1300061; said:
That's kind of sick. Georgia Tech averaged 35 yards a play...without passing. And only had 28 plays, and scored on 20 of them. To see something like this would have been sick to watch. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this game is a little bit closer. I love close games, they are fun...plus Tressel is good in close games. Penn State hasn't had a close game, we've had a couple this year, and that will pay off if this one is close. The Shoe is going to be amazing. This is the most excited i've been for a non Michigan home game, maybe ever. Texas was big...but I have much more contempt for Penn State...I'd love to ruin their perfect season, and win the Big Ten by going right thru them.

I'd go all in on you being right. :biggrin:
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JXC;1300061; said:
That's kind of sick. Georgia Tech averaged 35 yards a play...without passing. And only had 28 plays, and scored on 20 of them. To see something like this would have been sick to watch. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this game is a little bit closer. I love close games, they are fun...plus Tressel is good in close games. Penn State hasn't had a close game, we've had a couple this year, and that will pay off if this one is close. The Shoe is going to be amazing. This is the most excited i've been for a non Michigan home game, maybe ever. Texas was big...but I have much more contempt for Penn State...I'd love to ruin their perfect season, and win the Big Ten by going right thru them.

This of course not at all the same as the '06 Michigan game, but its got a similar feel. Its definitely a game I will feel lucky to be attending.
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This of course not at all the same as the '06 Michigan game, but its got a similar feel. Its definitely a game I will feel lucky to be attending.
I feel lucky to attend games against mid-majors...having it be a game like this is just a bonus. I never leave a game early, I enjoy every moment I get to spend in The Shoe. I tell you what though, nothing can beat how lucky I feel to attend an Ohio State/Michigan game. Those are just...different.
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JXC;1300100; said:
I feel lucky to attend games against mid-majors...having it be a game like this is just a bonus. I never leave a game early, I enjoy every moment I get to spend in The Shoe. I tell you what though, nothing can beat how lucky I feel to attend an Ohio State/Michigan game. Those are just...different.

I hear ya. I'm currently a junior, and I've never missed a second of game play in the 13th games I've been to so far. I honestly just don't understand people who show up late or leave early (especially students).
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I've never been this confident before a game of this magnitude ever. The more i read, the more i watch and the more i think about it, the more confident i get. Our team is starting to click, we are at home, its at night, and PSU is largely untested. I haven't come up with a prediction yet, but it's going to be big. I just have a feeling about this one.
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OSU defense faces challenge
High-scoring Penn State offense has surpassed 40 points 6 times
COLUMBUS - If numbers can indeed be staggering, then Penn State's offensive stats have the ability to make you stumble like that drunk with no shirt on who always wants to fight the cops. Scan through the Nittany Lions' ledger and you'll struggle to get your footing and walk like that baby giraffe that is all of 10 minutes old. The numbers will make you feel like you are trying to keep up with the cast of Riverdance, with two left feet. These are just staggering figures. The Penn State team Ohio State faces here on Saturday has cleared the 40-point barrier six times this season, scored more than 50 twice and gone beyond 60 once. The Nittany Lions have 43 offensive touchdowns in eight games - Ohio State has 20, and nobody else in the Big Ten has more than 30. "The challenges get bigger as the season goes on, and we know we have a big challenge in front of us with Penn State," Buckeyes linebacker James Laurinaitis said after Ohio State throttled Michigan State 45-7 over the weekend. "We have to keep getting better, no question about it."
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Shut out in the 'Shoe
Since joining the Big Ten in 1993, Lions have yet to beat OSU in Ohio Stadium
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 3:13 AM
By Bob Baptist

Eric Albrecht | Dispatch
Anthony Schlegel (51), Simon Fraser and A.J. Hawk (47) helped make life miserable for Penn State quarterback Michael Robinson in the Buckeyes' 21-10 win in 2004.

This time, Gordon Gee actually had the scoreboard to back him up. Less than a year after proclaiming that a tie with Michigan was one of his school's greatest football victories, the once and future Ohio State president was working the press box in Ohio Stadium again.
"John Cooper outcoached Joe Paterno," Gee said to some reporters from The Dispatch, "and you can put that in the paper."
That was on Oct. 30, 1993, a gray, cold, wet and snowy day in Columbus when Penn State visited Ohio State for the first time as a Big Ten member. Cooper and the Buckeyes were not welcoming hosts, manhandling the one-time beasts of the East in the muddy grass and winning 24-6.
"They're stronger than we are," Paterno said afterward.
The refrain has been much the same ever since.
Penn State, undefeated and ranked No. 3, will visit Ohio Stadium on Saturday night for a game that could decide the Big Ten championship. To swing the standings in their favor, the Nittany Lions must do what none of their predecessors did since the school began playing Big Ten football 15 years ago -- win in the Horseshoe.
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Showdown in the ?Shoe set

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 2:36 AM EDT
By Jason Lloyd
Journal Register News Service
COLUMBUS ? Ohio State players have spent the better part of three seasons traveling around the country to play difficult night games: at Texas, at Iowa, at Penn State, at Purdue, at Minnesota, at USC and at Wisconsin.

Now, finally, the ?Shoe is on the other foot.

Ohio State is back at Ohio Stadium on Saturday for its first home night game since 2005, when the Buckeyes lost to Vince Young and Texas.

They are 6-1 at home at night, with the 25-22 loss to the Longhorns remaining as the only blemish.
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I think much of the outcome of this game will be determined by momentum and in the players' heads.

Penn State has struggled offensively really only against Purdue and they haven't faced a defense as good as Ohio State. If they struggle early, will they begin to question how good they really are? If they score early, will they believe this truly is their year to beat the streaks against Ohio State and TSUN and win that NC to send JoePa into the sunset?

Ohio State has gone through a real drought offensively. Were four touchdowns early last week the sign of a team ready to dominate? If they score early, will they believe that four touchdowns were an exorcism last week? If they are stopped, will they just think last week was about a bad opponent and not a changing Buckeye offense.

I am not sure how rain affects the outcome of this game but I like the Buckeyes on the ground and on D.

I think we can win.
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