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Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

To extend my previous post on ball-hawking OSU DBs versus Penn St:

Since 1998, when Penn St visits the 'Shoe, PSU has

1 - Never passed for an offensive TD.
2 - Never scored more than 10 points.
3 - Surrendered seven TDs to OSU's defense, with at least one in every game.

To go with the Pick-6s in the Tressel era, in 1998 OSU scored twice on D/ST plays: a Jerry Rud fumble recovery in the end zone and a Joe Cooper blocked punt recovery taken back for a score, and in 2000 OSU scored on a Mike Collins 11-yard fumble return for a TD.

Since 1993, when Penn St visits the 'Shoe, OSU has outscored PSU 197-51, for an average game score of 28-7. This means that in all the Big Ten games played in C-Bus combined, OSU's defense + punt block/return units have nearly outscored PSU's entire offense, 48-51. (Edit - Adding Ginn's 2004 TD return that's 8 TDs by the defense/special teams units. Did we score a defensive or special teams TD in 1993? I don't have that box score).

This year will be the first time since joining the Big Ten that PSU will be visiting Columbus as the higher ranked team.

1993 - OSU ( 3) PSU (12)
1996 - OSU ( 3) PSU ( 4)
1998 - OSU ( 1) PSU ( 7)
2000 - OSU (14) PSU (NR)
2002 - OSU ( 4) PSU (17)
2004 - OSU (NR) PSU (NR)
2006 - OSU ( 1) PSU (24)
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Dryden;1299170; said:
To extend my previous post on ball-hawking OSU DBs versus Penn St:

Since 1998, when Penn St visits the 'Shoe, PSU has

1 - Never passed for an offensive TD.
2 - Never scored more than 10 points.
3 - Surrendered seven TDs to OSU's defense, with at least one in every game.

To go with the Pick-6s in the Tressel era, in 1998 OSU scored twice on D/ST plays: a Jerry Rud fumble recovery in the end zone and a Joe Cooper blocked punt recovery taken back for a score, and in 2000 OSU scored on a Mike Collins 11-yard fumble return for a TD.

Since 1993, when Penn St visits the 'Shoe, OSU has outscored PSU 197-51, for an average game score of 28-7. This means that in all the Big Ten games played in C-Bus combined, OSU's defense + punt block/return units have nearly outscored PSU's entire offense, 48-51. (Edit - Adding Ginn's 2004 TD return that's 8 TDs by the defense/special teams units. Did we score a defensive or special teams TD in 1993? I don't have that box score).

This year will be the first time since joining the Big Ten that PSU will be visiting Columbus as the higher ranked team.

1993 - OSU ( 3) PSU (12)
1996 - OSU ( 3) PSU ( 4)
1998 - OSU ( 1) PSU ( 7)
2000 - OSU (14) PSU (NR)
2002 - OSU ( 4) PSU (17)
2004 - OSU (NR) PSU (NR)
2006 - OSU ( 1) PSU (24)

The laws of average is very heavily in Penn State's favor and I am quite confident that Penn State will show up to play. Ohio State will need to score more than at least 28 to win, in my opinion.

Penn State's offense should be able to put more points this Saturday than in the past games in Columbus.

Ohio State just have to show up and play with passion and fire right away and keep it at that the whole game. If Penn State is going to beat Ohio State, then make them work harder than they ever did in their whole life.

The team needs to watch the movie "300" and get all [censored]ed as hell and motivated to win. They have to use their strength to focus on Penn State's weakness and shatter it: Beanie/Boom/Pryor and the offensive line against Penn State's linebackers and defensive line. It does seem like Beanie always show up for big games, so I hope Beanie can have the biggest game of his life this Saturday.
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Ohio State now PSU's sole focus

Daily Record/Sunday News
Article Last Updated: 10/20/2008 11:53:40 AM EDt

Finally, the moment they've been waiting for is upon them, which makes things easier. Finally, the Nittany Lions don't have to worry about breaking a long losing streak to Michigan. They don't have to fight to get Ohio State out of their minds when other things need to be attended to.
Put it like this: Players will spout the company line over and over again. They will lie and rationalize. They will say their attention is solely on a game against a bad Michigan team, with the game-of-the-season still a week away.
But, now, all of that other stuff is out of the way. The Ohio State Buckeyes are the only focus.
Enemy No. 1 -- Buckeye quarterback Terrelle Pryor -- can be obsessed about.
There are no other distractions now,

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OHSportsFan9;1299499; said:
It's "Scarlet Fever"

Wear red.

Not saying I agree with it or not...but it's what the Ohio Stadium promoters are going for, so whatever.

Just be loud! FUCK STATE PENN!

~"We can all dress in the same color! You ought to be intimidated!"~

I don't see how that will bother anyone. The noise - definitely. The clothing - I don't see it.
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Zurp;1299516; said:
~"We can all dress in the same color! You ought to be intimidated!"~

I don't see how that will bother anyone. The noise - definitely. The clothing - I don't see it.
I think the one-color fad is more for uniting fans than to terrify opponents. Noise is definitely a much bigger factor and if having everyone wear scarlet makes those quiet fans louder then I'm all for it.
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BuckeyeNation27;1299492; said:
god I hope not

I sure hope so. I hope we can do this, too:

Oh......oh, oh, oh, oh, ooooooooh...oh
Oh......oh, oh, oh, oh, ooooooooh...oh
Oh......oh, oh, oh, oh, ooooooooh...oh

That's like the awesomest thing evaer.
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