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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)

First Half Thoughts

Illinois is not very good defensively. They have a few players...but not enough.

I'll take freshman Pryor over Junior Juice...all day every day. There is no comparison between their freshman years.

Illinois has a solid gameplan...Locksley is turning up the pace as soon as he sees favorable personnel on the field. Great coaching.

The hardest thing to stop defensively is the 'scramble drill' When the QB is in trouble...the WRs find space. Space exists no matter how good your defense plays. Accept that. Illinois is a good "improvisation" team. Sometimes you just have to tip your hat and line it up again.

The offense is more varied today. Illinois does not have a good gameplan on the defensive side of the ball. They are catching everything because they are afraid of Pryor breaking out. Not good.

I'll take Chekwa over DWash. Personal opinion. DWash is not the same player this year to me.

Dane Sanzenbacher deserves respect from every tOSU fan. Forget any critique. The kid sells himself for this team. When he sells insurance in 10 years, sign me up.

Keep the pressure coming.
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utgrad73;1326828; said:
Mark may with his "words of wisdom" TP will make a freshman mistake, well watch the game DBag. He's looking very good. What will Mark say next year when TP is a Soph?

He'll make "sophomore mistakes." The year later, he'll make "Heisman winner mistakes." And the year after he'll make "defending national champion mistakes."
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Funny that Mark May, Pat Forde, Ivan Maisel, Trev Alberts have never shown their face in Columbus to ever cover an Ohio State game. I'd at least give props to Dennis Dodd and Stewart Mandel for having the guts to face the people they criticize.
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Field position and turnovers is what primarily gave us the edge in the first half. Hopefully that trend will continue. Glad to see Tress letting TP throw the ball in the wind, though they have all been short to intermediate passes.

On D we just had too many missed tackles in the first half. I like how Heacock has let the dogs loose, blitzing much of the time.

Let's GO BUCKS!!


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CentralMOBuck;1326845; said:
ESPN calls it vicious. I agree with you Evan, the dumbass should have slid.

I have it muted so I didn't hear that, shame though, ND gets enough BJs from NBC, Disney shouldn't be lining up to help. There was nothing vicious about that, Clausen ran right at the DBs and lowered his head, Navy was just making a play. Are they supposed to back off and let him gain more yards?
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