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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)

(A) WTF is up with the lack of holding calls against Illinois???

(B) WTF is Mark May talking about with TP "turning the ball over" and "making freshman mistakes." He's 5/8 with a TD... no turnovers... and a few huge rushes. Am I missing something? Or perhaps more apropos... is Mark May missing something?
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Best Buckeye;1326810; said:
Plezase don't start that complaining crap we are ahead by 10 at the half at an away game.
Geezo pete what a nambi pambi.

I didn't agree with one play. I'm not going of the deep end here. A pass would've been nice on third down, if nothing is open, run. We needed four yards. I like our ability to gain four yards when our QB has the option to pass or run.

Call me crazy.
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