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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)

Very questionable officiating on that drive, but we the Bucks are letting them hang around. Atleast we get the ball to start the 2nd half.

What was the freshman mistake Mark? He's making it sound like TP has allowed them in this game. Fucking moron. :roll1:
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WTF is Mark May talking about "Pryor makes freshmen mistakes like a forced pass or turnover"?

Have I missed a turnover or "freshman mistake"?

Our offense is fine (Illinois D is pretty bad).

Our defense is [charles barkley]terrible[/barkley].

edit- haha, in true BP fashion...about 10 people have already complained about the same comment by May.
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Okay, let's look at that half:

Good special teams, productive offense, some poor tackling on defense. All things considered, being up 10 at Illinois is pretty good but those guys won't quit so we better stay aggressive on both sides of the ball.

Big first possession of the 3rd quarter coming up.
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