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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)

scarletngray;1326850; said:
On D we just had too many missed tackles in the first half. I like how Heacock has let the dogs loose, blitzing much of the time.

Let's GO BUCKS!!



He has called them off a couple times on 3rd and long and they pick it up. I say no mercy, sack him or force him to throw it short.

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good points, grad. we're seeing some things on both sides of the ball today that fans have been clamoring for - more varied play-calling (as well as a few new plays and formations) on offense and more pressure and aggression on defense.

obviously we didn't play perfect, especially on d, but if we keep it up we'll be fine.
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We could easily be behind in this game and still don't have it won. We need to find a way to stop these guys and get off the field on defense. Too many big plays for their offense, too many missed tackles for our defense, and too many guys just running free....

I like the pressure that we came with in the first half and hope they will continue to apply it in the second. We still need to try to keep Freeman or someone in the middle in case Juice escapes. I know, tough to do when you are bringing pressure....
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osugrad21;1326840; said:
I'll take freshman Pryor over Junior Juice...all day every day. There is no comparison between their freshman years.


Check out "Behind the Numbers" in the Preview. The numbers bear that out BIG TIME.

osugrad21;1326840; said:
...The hardest thing to stop defensively is the 'scramble drill' When the QB is in trouble...the WRs find space. Space exists no matter how good your defense plays. Accept that. Illinois is a good "improvisation" team. Sometimes you just have to tip your hat and line it up again.

I knew 'grad would have posted this in his half-time thoughts before I even hit 'refresh'. I haven't even read anything since page 14 and I know that many people have posted "WTF" etc...

Illinois is playing as well as their fans could possibly hope for. But the Buckeyes are not going to be denied.
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Sportsbuck28;1326848; said:
Grad, what kind of a D did it look like we were playing?

Well, I think we've been caught numerous times in bad personnel matchups and that has led to big plays. However, you can't discount Juice improvising or the times tOSU has simply based up and given him all day to throw.

Overall, a B- to B so far.

The scary thing is, the no huddle has numerous paces...nitro is what is killing us. Rich Rodriguez is a pioneer of that.
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osugrad21;1326840; said:
First Half Thoughts

Dane Sanzenbacher deserves respect from every tOSU fan. Forget any critique. The kid sells himself for this team. When he sells insurance in 10 years, sign me up.

Keep the pressure coming.

If there was ever a more well deserved TD or one that brought a bigger smile to this fans face, I'd like to know. Go Dane, Go Bucks
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osugrad21;1326866; said:
The scary thing is, the no huddle has numerous paces...nitro is what is killing us. Rich Rodriguez is a pioneer of that.

and you hope that the OSU coaching staff pick up on that, knowing that Rodie will be all over it after watching film from this game.
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