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Official NCAA 2007 Info Thread (Merged)

I have a normal XBOX, but im considering buying a 360 for this game, any thoughts? Dynasty mode is the most important thing about the game to me, but i've seen fans on other message boards whining about the game only being halfway done and stuff like that for the 360, any thoughts?

EDIT: Posts like this, he seems way off-base but I just want to make sure before spending all that money to get a 360:

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=5 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=headings vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>Author </TD><TD class=headings vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff>Comment </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD vAlign=top noWrap align=left width="20%">MichiganMan113

Hall of Fame
Posts: 3874
(6/24/06 12:37:59 am )

</TD><TD class=m vAlign=top align=left>
Xbox 360 owners...come cry with me. <HR>Once again we've been "jipt" (sp?)...I definitely should've waited for next summer to get the 360, or at least until this winter when they could drop in price to combat the PS3.

Anyways, if you're an NCAA 2007 fan, I just want to warn you that the game...like everything else, is only half done. The orginal Xbox is going to have all the new features, modes, playbooks and plays.

Ours of course will look amazing, but it'll basically just be Dynasty mode. <!--EZCODE FONT START--><!--EZCODE BOLD START-->"True loyalty is that quality of service that grows under adversity and expands in defeat.
Any street urchin can shout applause in victory, but it takes character to stand fast in defeat.
One is noise - the other, loyalty."

~Fielding Yost~
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I have a normal XBOX, but im considering buying a 360 for this game, any thoughts? Dynasty mode is the most important thing about the game to me, but i've seen fans on other message boards whining about the game only being halfway done and stuff like that for the 360, any thoughts?

EDIT: Posts like this, he seems way off-base but I just want to make sure before spending all that money to get a 360:

<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="headings" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top">Author </td><td class="headings" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top">Comment </td></tr><tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><td align="left" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="20%">MichiganMan113

Hall of Fame
Posts: 3874
(6/24/06 12:37:59 am )

</td><td class="m" align="left" valign="top">
Xbox 360 owners...come cry with me. <hr>Once again we've been "jipt" (sp?)...I definitely should've waited for next summer to get the 360, or at least until this winter when they could drop in price to combat the PS3.

Anyways, if you're an NCAA 2007 fan, I just want to warn you that the game...like everything else, is only half done. The orginal Xbox is going to have all the new features, modes, playbooks and plays.

Ours of course will look amazing, but it'll basically just be Dynasty mode. <!--EZCODE FONT START--><!--EZCODE BOLD START-->"True loyalty is that quality of service that grows under adversity and expands in defeat.
Any street urchin can shout applause in victory, but it takes character to stand fast in defeat.
One is noise - the other, loyalty."

~Fielding Yost~
The 360 version of the game is very stripped down. Its the first year of the game on the 360, so I can understand why it is. I'm not a Xbox gamer, but if I was, I would wait until next year to go with the Xbox 360 version.

From what I've read, it doesn't have these features that the current gen does...

-Spring Game in Dynasty

-Race for Heisman(They changed the name from last year, I can't remember what its called now)

-Trick Plays, The 360 has the big playbooks like the current gen does, but it doesn't have the trick plays

Theres a few other things, but I can't remember them all.
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The 360 version of the game is very stripped down. From what I've read, it doesn't have these features that the current gen does...

-Spring Game in Dynasty

-Race for Heisman(They changed the name from last year, I can't remember what its called now)

Trick Plays-The 360 has the big playbooks like the current gen does, but it doesn't have the trick plays

Theres a few other things, but I can't remember them all.

I dont really care about those things though.

The Spring Game sounds cool, but as long as it has dynasty mode and the awesome graphics its fine with me.
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If you plan to get the 360 anyways, I'd get it for that over the xbox. If you're like me you felt like you wasted your time after doing 'Race for the Heismen' and couldn't recruit for the next year.

Trick plays? I know it's not exactly the same, but I can't remember the last time I've pulled a 'fake punt' nor do I think Tressel or Coach Boone (Denzel Washington) care for trick plays. So that doesn't bother me either.

I agree the 'spring game' has potential, but I think it'd be more or less like a practice and not worth skipping out on better graphics over.

But, I'd sit back and wait for tomorrow morning to find out how people like the demo.
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