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Official NCAA 2007 Info Thread (Merged)

No, each store sells so many of them, we have to get them early to be able to prepare for the street date. We are doing a midnight madness opening for it. Have over 100 pre-ordered so far.
You're right. It is smart to do this. Especially when it becomes the store's problem if they sell it before the date. Who this really ends up screwing is stores like EB games, because there's no appeal to deal with those people anymore if you can't get the game early, and I'm OK with that too.
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The players look "stiff", and from the commercial it looks like everybody in the game will be white.
just standing there, they look good (tho I wish they could do anti-aliasing to remove the jagged edges).

But just like with madden, the models have a very awkward running motion. It's a big step up, but I would have preferred an intuitive player model with realistic animation... even if it meant sacrificing a bit of perfection in the actual model skin.
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just standing there, they look good (tho I wish they could do anti-aliasing to remove the jagged edges).

But just like with madden, the models have a very awkward running motion. It's a big step up, but I would have preferred an intuitive player model with realistic animation... even if it meant sacrificing a bit of perfection in the actual model skin.

I agree the the players in motions just look kinda goofy not natural at all but the graphics still good pretty good. I hated Madden for 360 so hopefully the gameplay for NCAA will be much improved.
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I thought the same thing about the graphics for the 360....If they are so great,it seems they would show the better shots for it......Since the commericals usually show little to no gameplay..Just instant replay shit anyways...
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