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Official NCAA 2007 Info Thread (Merged)

CompUSA goofed up, gave it out a week early. Susposely they didn't know about a "Street Date". However, I doubt they do it again.

You best bet is to go to a Wal Mart or some store like Target. Go to the video game area, and find the oldest person working back there. Ask them for the game, and most of the time they won't know there is any wrong doing going on and sell it to you.

This really only works at the stores that don't really deal with video games, I laugh at the idiots that try this at a video game store like Game Stop.
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#5 Best CB in the Game

Overall: 93
Speed: 99
Strength: 48
Awareness: 87
Agility: 99
Acceleration: 99
Catch: 90
Carry: 62
Jump: 92
Break Tackle: 48
Tackle: 44
Throwing Power: 65
Throwing Accuracy: 56
Pass Block: 40
Run Block: 44
Kick Power: 40
Kick Accuracy: 40
Stamina: 98
Injury: 91
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Most of those plays were just pure ass. WR screens in general usually take some miraculous feat of agility and strength, just to get out of the backfield. The fact that these guys are advertising this, and still weren't able to get out of the backfield without some ridiculous spins, jukes, and stiff arms, just proves how crappy these plays are.
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Doubt it (no insider information or anything), but considering we hardly used it, and when we did use it, it wasn't very effective (sorry to all those who keep wishing for it).

We didn't do shit out of it.

Actually we did use alot of it and it did work. But we really used it Ginn's freshman year. Not so much this year.

That said, and how EA watched atleast 3 games of every team in the game(Likely from this year), it will probably be formations from this year.
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I liked most of the swap packages from last year, except for the back up QB one. That one allowed the online cheesers to put Ginn, or Hester as the backup QB and run their crappy QB draws all the time. That prevented you from seeing who was the QB, until you got to the line. Making it nearly impossible to call a non-cheese defense. If they put a swap in that will put a WR at QB, then that would suck even worse.
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