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Official NCAA 2007 Info Thread (Merged)

teddy, they're probably just lazy. I doubt they intentionally made Texas' straps black either.

And it's pretty clear from the tressel presser that the numbers were on the sleeves (the gap between the stripe and number is only a few inches)... I doubt they will be quite this small tho (on the sleeves).
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tedginn05 said:
Because EA is stupid like that. At times I think they do this kind of stuff on purpose, so they can come out the next year and say team equipment is "new and improved".
yes, because a feature everybody will rush to the stores for is "improved team equipment" :roll2:
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For those interested, and I didnt look back too far to see if it was officially stated, but street date is the 18th. We're gettin it in next week, but cant sell it before street date obviously. Bastards. I already have mine paid for, and will have to stare at it for 2 weeks.
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Top 25 teams breakdown.

Currently they only have teams 25-20 posted, but with each day they plan to list more I guess.

OSU is #1, we already know that from the Next-Gen game pics...


Here is a growing list from MaddenMania of the Top-25

#1 - Ohio St.
#2 - Texas
#3 - Notre Dame
#4 - USC
#5 - LSU
#7 - Auburn
#8 - Sooners
#11 - Miami
#12 - FSU
#14 - Michigan
#21 - Virginia Tech
#22 - Texas Tech
#23 - Clemson
#24 - Alabama
#25 - Georgia Tech
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BrutusMaximus said:
For those interested, and I didnt look back too far to see if it was officially stated, but street date is the 18th. We're gettin it in next week, but cant sell it before street date obviously. Bastards. I already have mine paid for, and will have to stare at it for 2 weeks.
Somebody will. Same thing happened last year and I got mine 2 weeks early.
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