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Official NCAA 2007 Info Thread (Merged)

OregonBuckeye said:
Posluszny a 98!? :rofl: He's no higher than a 94. He's good but he's not that good. One of the more overrated players in college football.
penn state has 3 LBs in the top 15. If EA wants me to believe that their 3 LBs are better than Hawk, Carpenter, and Schlegel....then they also want me to believe they're dipshits.
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Posted this on another site, so I just copied it here.

From watching the videos, what stands out to me most is....

1. The running animations with the RB's and other players with the ball. It sort of looks like a O-Line guy running. With the ball always being held against the player's hip. Come on EA, real RB's don't run like that. Make both arms move.

2. It seemed to me that the Miami kicker could bench press a Hummer. Look like he was on roids or something.
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sigh, a smallish RB stiffarmed a big lineman backwards (about 5 yards).

Once again, they seemed to devote their time to aesthetic upgrades, and very little upgrades to gameplay. As tg05 pointed out, they worked hard on making good looking model skins... yet didn't bother to make realistic animations for those models.
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jwinslow said:
sigh, a smallish RB stiffarmed a big lineman backwards (about 5 yards).

Once again, they seemed to devote their time to aesthetic upgrades, and very little upgrades to gameplay. As tg05 pointed out, they worked hard on making good looking model skins... yet didn't bother to make realistic animations for those models.
that was hilarious.

the running does look retarded.....right up until they cross the goal line. then they look almost human. i hope they didn't screw up the PS2 running.
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They look like they have something stuck up their ass when they run. Miami's kicker was HUGE!! I hope they can fix it somehow before they release it. I was disapointed there wasn't much of a pregame. I like the idea of them sitting in the booth.
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I think that I may just take the time to redo the rosters for 2006 and make them the 2007 rosters. The schedules won't be the same, but who cares? At least I won't be wasting money on the same game that I bought last year, just for the new players.
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New jerseys...good to see.
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