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Official NCAA 2007 Info Thread (Merged)

Overall: 95
Speed: 86
Strength: 65
Awareness: 85
Agility: 85
Acceleration: 86
Catch: 65
Carry: 68
Jump: 82
Break Tackle: 68
Tackle: 40
Throwing Power: 90
Throwing Accuracy: 88
Pass Block: 40
Run Block: 40
Kick Power: 40
Kick Accuracy: 40
Stamina: 94
Injury: 92

Mass props to his throwing ability. They didn't make him a running back playing quarterback
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Top 25 QBs
1. Brady Quinn (has a fat coach)
2. Troy Smith
3. Drew Stanton
4. Chris Leak
5. Drew Tate
6. Brian Brohm
7. Sam Keller
8. Jeff Rowe (Nevada)
9. Pat White
10. Tyler Palko
11. JaMarcus Russell
12. Kevin Kolb (Houston)
13. Rudy Carpenter (the 2nd ASU QB)
14. John Beck (BYU)
15. Bret Meyer (ISU)
16. Brian Johnson (Utah)
17. Trent Edwards (Stanford)
18. Jordan Palmer (UTEP)
19. Willie Tuitama (Arizona)
20. Reggie Ball
21. Chad Henne :lol:
22. Brandon Cox
23. Matt Flynn (2nd LSU QB)
24. Luke Getsy (Akron)
25. Jared Zabransky (Boise St)


BN27, was that necessary? :tongue2:
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Overall: 95
Speed: 86
Strength: 65
Awareness: 85
Agility: 85
Acceleration: 86
Catch: 65
Carry: 68
Jump: 82
Break Tackle: 68
Tackle: 40
Throwing Power: 90 I'd change it to 94
Throwing Accuracy: 88 I'd change it to 90
Pass Block: 40
Run Block: 40
Kick Power: 40
Kick Accuracy: 40 Definitely 99 :tongue2:
Stamina: 94
Injury: 92

Mass props to his throwing ability. They didn't make him a running back playing quarterback

All better.
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Looking good,NCAA Football is my favorite game so i'm waiting on this one. I agree that Smith's arm stregnth should be higher though, accuracy is fine, but he has a strong arm.Anyone got the rankings for any other position yet insted of just QB's?
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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">http://sports.ign.com/articles/711/711540p1.html

Pittman not in the top 25.

1. Oklahoma #28 (Adrian Peterson)-98
2. Louisville #19 (Michael Bush)-94
3. Cal #10 (Marshawn Lynch)-94
4. Northern Illinois #1 (Garrett Wolfe)-94
5. Auburn #23 (Kenny Irons)-93
6. Notre Dame #3 (Darius Walker)-92
7. Michigan #20 (Michael Hart)-92
8. Arkansas #5 (Darren McFadden)-92
9. Alabama #34 (Kenneth Darby)-92
10.Oregon State #26 (Yvenson Bernard)-91
11. Iowa #21 (Albert Young)-91
12. West Virginia #10 (Steve Slaton)-91
13. Miami #30 (Tyrone Moss)-91
14. North Texas #20 (Jamario Thomas)-91
15. LSU #22 (Alley Broussard)-91
16. Northwestern #19 (Tyrell Sutton)-91
17. TCU #33 (Robert Merrill)-91
18. Penn State #26 (Tony Hunt)-90
19. Texas A&M #25 (Courtney Lewis)-90
20. Kentucky #22 (Rafael Little)-90
21. San Diego State #22 (Lynell Hamilton)-90
22. BYU #6 (Curtis Brown)-90
23. Minnesota #24 (Gary Russell)-90
24. Connecticut #44 (Terry Caulley)-90
25. UTEP #8 (Marcus Thomas)-90

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