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Official NCAA 2007 Info Thread (Merged)

Most of those plays were just pure ass. WR screens in general usually take some miraculous feat of agility and strength, just to get out of the backfield. The fact that these guys are advertising this, and still weren't able to get out of the backfield without some ridiculous spins, jukes, and stiff arms, just proves how crappy these plays are.
WR screens are money if used right
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Brandon Mitchell: #6 Ranked FS in '07

6. Ohio State FS #32

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Overall: 91
Speed: 88
Strength: 68
Awareness: 85
Agility: 86
Acceleration: 90
Catch: 65
Carry: 56
Jump: 85
Break Tackle: 40
Tackle: 72
Throwing Power: 40
Throwing Accuracy: 40
Pass Block: 40
Run Block: 40
Kick Power: 40
Kick Accuracy: 40
Stamina: 97
Injury: 91
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For those interested, and I didnt look back too far to see if it was officially stated, but street date is the 18th. We're gettin it in next week, but cant sell it before street date obviously. Bastards. I already have mine paid for, and will have to stare at it for 2 weeks.

So why do they ship it the first week of July but not let anybody sell it until the 3rd week of July?
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