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I'll take Durant.:)

Seems like half the posts on the UT boards are about who he compares to. Yes, it gets a little old. The consensus is McGrady, but I can definitely see KG.

Oden's comparison is much easier. I'm kind of disappointed how few OSU games have been on around these parts. The only games I saw were against UNC and Wisky (i think, I was pretty drunk),. So I'm really not in any position to gauge his impact. But based on this thread and other stuff I've read, Oden will never be THE go-to guy on offense, especially with all the talent surrounding him. KD is that guy, so yeah, it's apples and oranges. Needless to say, they're both flourishing in their roles for their respective teams.

But it really isn't a one-man show. Well, sort of. KD has the green light whenever he has the ball. That kind of makes people think it's KD and the 4 dwarves on the floor for Texas, which might lead someone who's only watched a game or two to believe we'd have a losing record without him. Not so. Augustin would probably be drafted this year if he declared, and will probably be a first rounder in '08. Abrams is a 4 year player but will probably get picked up as a free agent. Mason is a future draft pick. Damion James, once he gets some confidence, will be a beast and a future draft pick. The point is none of these guys, save for occasionally Augustin, is ever called upon to carry the load. Texas minus KD this year is probably an 18-11 type bubble team.

By the way, what's the latest on whether or not Oden will be back next year? I'm too lazy to do any searches.
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D in the NBA and college are two different animals...

In college you have to play all 40 minutes in NBA teams arent running sets and having players run off screens all day, and you only have to play for 24 seconds at the most...

Teams run up and down the court and jack shots in 10-15 seconds, so it isnt really as much half court based as college...
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HabaneroBuck;737033; said:
Based on what? Durant looks like he is a little bit better prospect than McGrady (little taller, seems to rebound much better). It's pretty obvious that Durant can be a 30 ppg scorer in the NBA given the chance.

He needs to put on some weight to handle the pounding he'll take in the NBA and believe me he won't be blowing past guys in the NBA like he's doing in college.....

He's closer to Jalen Rose than T-Mac or Kobe....
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crazybuckfan40;737114; said:
D in the NBA and college are two different animals...

In college you have to play all 40 minutes in NBA teams arent running sets and having players run off screens all day, and you only have to play for 24 seconds at the most...

Teams run up and down the court and jack shots in 10-15 seconds, so it isnt really as much half court based as college...

24 seconds a game?
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BIGBLUEHART;737125; said:
24 seconds a game?

LOL, I left out what I was thinking...

In college you have to play D all game, and in the pros the D comes and goes in stretches...

Also the shot clock in college is 35 seconds vs. 24 seconds so the chances of your guy having the ball is not as high and when your guy doesnt have the ball in teh NBA you are usally not playing hard off ball D...
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Durant doesn't have the same handle as T-MAC, and he doesn't have the inside game of Garnett....he's kind of a mix of the two IMO....I like his game though...great shooter, and he has enough handle to blow by whoever's guarding him, especially a 3 or 4.....he reminds me a lot of Drew Gooden when he was at Kansas, but a much better shooter with more range
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billmac91;737170; said:
Durant doesn't have the same handle as T-MAC, and he doesn't have the inside game of Garnett....he's kind of a mix of the two IMO....I like his game though...great shooter, and he has enough handle to blow by whoever's guarding him, especially a 3 or 4.....he reminds me a lot of Drew Gooden when he was at Kansas, but a much better shooter with more range

His game is just like McGrady, he has the jumper, the ability to take it to the rack...He is a 3 in that he doesnt use his post up game that much or he would be more of a 4. Gooden is a 4 all the way...He has an 18 foot game, but nothing outside of that, and didnt have that at Kansas...
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I was trying to get to bed early Wed night after the Buckeye game but couldn't get away from watching Durant. I don't need to tell anyone he lit up Texas Tech. What amazed me was his soft touch. I have not seen that in a big man ever. I ended up watching the whole game because I was so amazed watching him.

Of course, it was a great game too.

And I was stoked by the Buckeye road win

And the 'Consin loss.

In the end, you can't go wrong with either. The NBA has gotten away from the dominate big man, but I still think a team can build around Oden. I am a Celtics fan and I hope they land Oden but that could be because I want a sweet C's #20 jersey!
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Thump;738109; said:
Compare stats, not even close.

Unfortunately, much of Oden's value is in unmeasureable stats such as altered shots and the such.

Conley would deserve the reward before Oden at this point.

I agree , but Conley won't beat Durant out. The reason I said it's Oden's if we win the NC because that is the only way he will get enough media pub to overtake Durant. But the vote may be taken before the tourn.
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Best Buckeye;738087; said:
If we win the NC it is Oden. if not Durant

Depends on who has the pick. I can't see the C's taking Durant, not with PP, Gomes, Green and Jefferson all there. A true C makes them a much better team. However Philly has Dalembert a C and so Durant would fit much better. The Grizz are talking about moving Gasol so either could really fit in. If some other damn team gets their ball pulled. . .

(I am still bitter by the Duncan draft when the C's had about 2/3 of the balls and didn't get a lotery pick. Arggggggg)
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