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O.J. Mayo (Official Thread)

He got that tech and he couldn't have cared less. What a showboat. Watching him parade around afterwards like he was God incarnate was positively annoying. Hopefully SC can get him on track like many have said. Would be a shame for all his talent to be tarnished with attitude and issues.
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CleveBucks;787738; said:
It's amazing anyone tries to defend that kid's actions. Maybe they'll play Duke next year and Gerald Henderson will give him a facial.
I would really hate to see the aftermath if that happened. As I have said before this kid is a class act. ME ME ME!
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jimotis4heisman;787727; said:
the dunk? or the aftermath? or mayos game in general? or mayos actions?

I don't have an opinion on the dunk - except that it was an amazing display of athleticism. The aftermath was ridiculous. Mayo's game is amazing. His actions in this case are hard to defend (but I'd love to see someone try).
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That dunk was a perfect 10 if there was only someone with a card in the stands that was supposed to score his dunk. That will happen 3-4 years from now in the NBA all star weekend, if OJ can drive the train that far. That crap has no place in a high school game, and I do mean the non-chalant attitude after he was T'd up. The crowd was into it, so why should OJ care? He got them there, right? What a joke! Methomps, enjoy!! Although, you guys are doing just fine without him, as are we, thank you.
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I have zero problem with showboating off the glass slam dunk that he pulled to be honest; had he just stopped there with it i'd be on here defending his actions. However the throwing the ball into the crowd and after antics is an embaressment to the game.
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It's a real shame the path that this kid is on. Really glad he decided on USC over Kansas State though, can you imagine him in Huggins' program? We would be seeing this on a college court next year. Good luck Tim Floyd, I hope for the best because this kid has real talent.
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