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O.J. Mayo (Official Thread)

StadiumDorm;780986; said:
If you want to argue that pot is bad because it's illegal, then you need to accept the analogous punishment for speeding tickets.

Why are you now trying to act like the punishments for drug possession and failing to use a turn signal are the same when you've already admitted that they are not? As I said before, having a suspended license with driving privileges is a far, far cry from having a valid driver's license with no suspension. The law provides for punishments that are much different, and your claim that they are analogous is a feeble attempt to downplay that difference so as to support your argument that the Ohio legislature considers them equally reprehensible. Give up.
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StadiumDorm;780986; said:
My opinion is that OJ Mayo, isn't the thug people are making him out to be.
You may be right... but when you compare him (or at least the publicity around him) to two players of similar ilk (Oden and LBJ)... ya gotta admit, there's enuf smoke that one could reasonably assume there is fire.. somewhere in there...
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NJ-Buckeye;781229; said:
You may be right... but when you compare him (or at least the publicity around him) to two players of similar ilk (Oden and LBJ)... ya gotta admit, there's enuf smoke that one could reasonably assume there is fire.. somewhere in there...

I'm saying the kid is a choir boy. But I believe he's closer to LBJ and Oden than Clarett.
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I don't know Mr. Mayo so I don't know if he is good or bad. I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt.
My only question is , what is a kid in his position even doing in a car where there is Mary J. ?
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Hubbard;781951; said:
Ok split off all weed stuff. Back to O.J. Seems to be an echo in here.
If I may, I'd like to introduce a completely irrelevant topic. When topics get split off of a thread, I can never find them. Does "split" mean "thrown into the trash bin of history"? I demand administrative action! Like linking to the split location when announcing the split.

Back to OJ...OJ...OJ...OJ
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zincfinger;781967; said:
If I may, I'd like to introduce a completely irrelevant topic. When topics get split off of a thread, I can never find them. Does "split" mean "thrown into the trash bin of history"? I demand administrative action! Like linking to the split location when announcing the split.

Back to OJ...OJ...OJ...OJ

They were tucked away, away in a tiny "lock-box", where all bad thoughts go.
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Today on PTI they had video of O.J. Mayo in the state title game. Late in the game with his team up by a large margin, Mayo had a breakaway, and he bounced the ball of the backboard to himself and dunked it. He then threw the ball into the stands. The refs T'd him up, and he was ejected (again).

This kid shows more and more class every day.
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his attitude really seems to suck.....too bad, I hope he gets his head on startight...I've been a big fan and dismissive of all the negative reports agaionst him until I saw PTI today.......poor sportsmanship on about 9,000 different levels. Someone should remind OJ his championship game wasn't an And 1 Mixtape Tour game.....the attitude he displayed in that one clip makes me very happy he won't be attending OSU---just oozed of ego and self importance
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