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O.J. Mayo (Official Thread)

My high school (St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati) beat OJ and Bill Walker when they were sophomores at NCH. Even though they were still just sophomores, I took so much joy in beating OJ cause he was so cocky (and good). Every time I get sad I can just remember Johnny Wolf (now a XU guard) stealing the ball from OJ and dunking, while getting mugged by OJ, with the win already pretty much locked up at the end of the game. :banger:
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OmahaBeef;789478; said:
My high school (St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati) beat OJ and Bill Walker when they were sophomores at NCH. Even though they were still just sophomores, I took so much joy in beating OJ cause he was so cocky (and good). Every time I get sad I can just remember Johnny Wolf (now a XU guard) stealing the ball from OJ and dunking, while getting mugged by OJ, with the win already pretty much locked up at the end of the game. :banger:

I'll never forget that game. There have been very few times in my years at X that there has been that much hype around the school.
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StadiumDorm;787757; said:
I don't have an opinion on the dunk - except that it was an amazing display of athleticism. The aftermath was ridiculous. Mayo's game is amazing. His actions in this case are hard to defend (but I'd love to see someone try).
I'll give it a shot.
I have no problem with the dunk, and really don't have a problem with the ball into the stands. If he didn't realize he was getting a T I don't even have a problem with any of it. At what point he realized he was getting T'd up is huge, IMO. Of course, he probably realized it pretty early so it was somewhat stupid- and he doesn't deserve to be sportsman of the year- but let's not get carried away. This single series of acts is not much to get worked up over, but given the history of his actions it takes on a whole new meaning.

Hopefully the down to earth lifestyle he'll enjoy in Souther California will prevent him from becoming the "can't miss" that missed huge. :frown2:
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I'll admit that I dont know what USC's roster looks like next year, but damn- they are in the sweet sixteen-they have to have good, if not great team chemistry. Is it worth possibly messing things up for one year of his royal highness!? I understand that he's incredible, but IMO he's not going to magically calm down once he hits Tinseltown.
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methomps;789516; said:
Oh no! A high-schooler who is told he is a god by everyone is acting like a jackass? Nothing could ever set him straight.

Right. Keep telling yourself that it's not O.J.'s fault that he "is acting like a jackass," but rather it's the fault of everyone else for telling him he's a god. :roll2: Exactly how many incidents must there be with this kid before you admit that USC made a bad decision here?
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methomps;789516; said:
Oh no! A high-schooler who is told he is a god by everyone is acting like a jackass? Nothing could ever set him straight.
Sorry methomps, doesn't fly with me. I didn't see Oden or Lebron acting like Mayo does in high school. I seriously hope, for the sake of USC, that his antics can be restrained for a year... Floyd's building a good program out there.
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buckeyeboy;789746; said:
Right. Keep telling yourself that it's not O.J.'s fault that he "is acting like a jackass," but rather it's the fault of everyone else for telling him he's a god. :roll2: Exactly how many incidents must there be with this kid before you admit that USC made a bad decision here?

Didn't you know? It was all OJ's decision. :slappy:

Floyd: OK, fellas, time to run suicides

OJ: Riiiight, coach. Catch you later.

Floyd: We're not done with practice, OJ

OJ: We're talking about practice? Practice?
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Listening to the A&M-Memphis game on the talk radio show, and one of the more learned people was speaking about USC personnel, and OJ Mayo's name was prominent. Now, this is on national radio (at least SF Bay
Area), but a pretty respected program, and it seems that a guy came into the USC coach's office, sat down, asked him if he knew who OJ Mayo was. Coach responded yes, so this fellow said that he was OJ's rep, and that he wanted to come to USC to play. OJ hadn't been to the campus, the coach had not sent any letters, none of the 'usual' recruiting stuff, but that OJ wanted to sign a letter of intent.

Speaker went on to say that it was clear that OJ was going to go to USC because of teh West Coast (read that HOllywood) exposure, that UCLA had too many legends, and that OJ was going to market himself to the media, and 'one and done' it.

Diatribe went back and forth, but I first thought how callous of OJ, but then thought how smart. Clearly some thought had gone into this plan, and that USC is an up-and-comer, so why not there?

They kept cutting to the final seconds of A&M-Memphis, but thought I'd share. Don't know the validity, is there any other 'West Coaster' that has heard the same thing and can corroborate? If so, there's probably a Sports Illustrated story in this, (or maybe an EsPIN docudrama).

:gobucks3: :gobucks4: :banger: Roll over Memphis onto the Final Four!
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Listening to the A&M-Memphis game on the talk radio show, and one of the more learned people was speaking about USC personnel, and OJ Mayo's name was prominent. Now, this is on national radio (at least SF Bay
Area), but a pretty respected program, and it seems that a guy came into the USC coach's office, sat down, asked him if he knew who OJ Mayo was. Coach responded yes, so this fellow said that he was OJ's rep, and that he wanted to come to USC to play. OJ hadn't been to the campus, the coach had not sent any letters, none of the 'usual' recruiting stuff, but that OJ wanted to sign a letter of intent.

Speaker went on to say that it was clear that OJ was going to go to USC because of teh West Coast (read that HOllywood) exposure, that UCLA had too many legends, and that OJ was going to market himself to the media, and 'one and done' it.

Diatribe went back and forth, but I first thought how callous of OJ, but then thought how smart. Clearly some thought had gone into this plan, and that USC is an up-and-comer, so why not there?

They kept cutting to the final seconds of A&M-Memphis, but thought I'd share. Don't know the validity, is there any other 'West Coaster' that has heard the same thing and can corroborate? If so, there's probably a Sports Illustrated story in this, (or maybe an EsPIN docudrama).

:gobucks3: :gobucks4: :banger: Roll over Memphis onto the Final Four!
check out about page 13 and on.
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