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O.J. Mayo (Official Thread)

not if you have the proper support structure and chose friends / confidants wisely... if not, train wreck... this is the biggest concern.. to date, I don't think he has shown good choices in who he is surrounded with...

He needs to look at Maurice Clarett.. for how to do it wrong...
He needs to look at LBJ and Oden .. for how to do it right...

He's got the world by the ass.. but so did Maurice...
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i had an interesting conversation today. someone was so upset about oj throwing the ball into the stands. i mentioned to them that i had seen other big time kids do that. they said "not kids like oden and lebron" to which i had to reply that atleast twice to my knowledge it had been done by lebron. once i saw it in person and i have the second occasion on tape...
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jimotis4heisman;795702; said:
i had an interesting conversation today. someone was so upset about oj throwing the ball into the stands. i mentioned to them that i had seen other big time kids do that. they said "not kids like oden and lebron" to which i had to reply that atleast twice to my knowledge it had been done by lebron. once i saw it in person and i have the second occasion on tape...

In OJ's corner, I don't recall LeBron repeating this type of behavior since he's been in Cleveland. Nothing but class, and hunger from my point of view. He grew up quickly.

Having said that, LeBron didn't have another year left in which he was still in school. Impossible to tell what will happen, but it's clearly up to OJ himself (and not like, Tim Floyd, or anyone).

EDIT: Huge Lakers fan here.
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jimotis4heisman;795702; said:
i had an interesting conversation today. someone was so upset about oj throwing the ball into the stands. i mentioned to them that i had seen other big time kids do that. they said "not kids like oden and lebron" to which i had to reply that atleast twice to my knowledge it had been done by lebron. once i saw it in person and i have the second occasion on tape...

And if Lebron did it, that must make it classy, right?
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honestly i could careless. its just interesting people say things like that move was trash. then say "he should act like lebron" when lebron pulled similar stunts in hs.

its up to oj. he has a great oppurtunity and truely has the ability to make something for himself. will he? oj himself will decide that.
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USC recruit apologizes for incident, clears the air

Posted: Wednesday March 28, 2007 2:12PM; Updated: Wednesday March 28, 2007 2:31PM


After a whirlwind senior year, O.J. Mayo spoke about his recruitment to USC and his behavior during Tuesday's media day.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- It's been a roller-coaster year for Huntington (W.Va.) guard O.J. Mayo.
RISE's No. 1 recruit in the Class of 2007 certainly experienced some high points, such as recording 41 points, 10 rebounds and 11 assists in a 103-61 rout of South Charleston (South Charleston, W.Va.) in the Class AAA state title game and being named a McDonald's All-American.
But there were plenty of low moments as well. Mayo was suspended three games for being ejected from a game and making contact with an official, he was cited with marijuana possession (the charges were dropped) and he caused controversy with his antics at the end of that South Charleston game when he punctuated a slam dunk in the final minute by throwing the ball into the crowd and walking off the court with his arms raised with a minute still left on the clock.
During Tuesday's Media Day at the McDonald's All-American Game, the USC-bound Mayo opened up on these topics and plenty more, including his marketability in Los Angeles, whether USC could have another Reggie Bush-type scandal on its hands and one of his most high-profile critics, Pardon the Interruption co-host Michael Wilbon. Mayo said he didn't regret his actions at the end of the state title game, but wanted to clear up his intentions.
"I'd like to apologize to South Charleston and whoever felt that I was showing bad sportsmanship," Mayo said. "I didn't mean to do it in a bad way or to show up the other team. I feel like I was in the seventh grade for my first varsity game. Now it was like, 'Wow, I'm done.' I almost shed a tear. It was a lot of mixed emotions."

Entire article: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/highschool/03/28/mayo.nb/index.html
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buckeyeboy;797573; said:
If O.J. has any sense at all, he'll be on his best behavior in the McDonald's All-American game tonight. We'll see...

Since this board has such an interest in Mayo:
Mayo's most impressive moment came well after the game. Cole Gossett, a pre-teen boy from Bloomfield, Ky., was injured after a mad scramble for a pair of shoes that a player had tossed from a team bus.

After hearing about it, Mayo found Gossett crying in a trainer's room. Mayo signed his shirt and gave him the shoes he had worn in the game, autographing them as well.

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