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O.J. Mayo (Official Thread)

Thanks JohnR. That's the essence of teh story I heard last night. Maybe the guy on the radio read it in the NYTimes, or heard the story around the watering holes of USC.......don't know, but that's why I was asking for confirmation, as it was so bizarre......

Thanks JimOtis - I'll research pages 13 up, but once he was off OSU's radar, I tend to seriously lose interest. My bad.

No, Buckskickdierrieres, I'm not an agent, I drive a ten year old auto and fly coach. If I was an agent I'd fly first cabin and have an expensive Eurocar. Merely a humble business manager.

Nevertheless, thanks to all who keep us parttimers straight.

:gobucks3: :gobucks4: :banger: Here's to all of you who make BP as great as it is!

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The further away Mayo is from OSU the better. I would only feel better if Mayo played for Hawaii. lol. Guy needs a serious attitude adjustment. No defending that guy.

Oden got annointed king and is the most humble player out there so I wont accept the "societal" treatment.
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i think it will be fun the watch O.J. on the court...he is a great ball player

im exited....

everyone has baggage...
i was in court the other day...
but i suck at basketball, so...you know...

all we can say is good luck...and study hard..:)
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I was absolutely amazed to hear the USC coach being interviewed about Mayo today. Perhaps there is another side to this kid, but it certainly sounds like he will be running the USC team next year from that interview.

I don't know the kid and I won't bash him. However, it seems very appropriate to me if this kid plays in a #13 jersey.
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buckeyeboy;789746; said:
Right. Keep telling yourself that it's not O.J.'s fault that he "is acting like a jackass," but rather it's the fault of everyone else for telling him he's a god. :roll2: Exactly how many incidents must there be with this kid before you admit that USC made a bad decision here?

Never said it wasn't his fault. Good try, though.

bkochmc;792512; said:
Sorry methomps, doesn't fly with me. I didn't see Oden or Lebron acting like Mayo does in high school. I seriously hope, for the sake of USC, that his antics can be restrained for a year... Floyd's building a good program out there.

Put 100 kids through the process and you will wind up with more Mayos than Odens.
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O.J. Mayo not spoiled despite heat of last year

High-profile basketball star makes mistakes, still appears to be strong NBA prospect

By Brian Windhorst

When O.J. Mayo was in eighth grade, he already was dealing with comparisons to LeBron James.
Five years later, it is remarkable that Mayo has fulfilled the expectations of becoming one of the the best players in his high school class. He has been the most high-profile senior, too. It is not surprising that the path has been fraught with adversity, especially this year.
It has gotten hot and heavy recently, not unlike at the end of James' prep career. While trying to lead his Huntington High School team to a mythical national title, Mayo couldn't avoid negative headlines. First, Huntington, in West Virginia, was Mayo's third high school. He abruptly left Cincinnati North College Hill High School last fall before the start of the season, when he could've joined James as the only Ohio player in history to win three Mr. Basketball Awards. He attended high school in Kentucky as a freshman.

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