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O.J. Mayo (Official Thread)

I think we'll get a lot more direct information about Mayo over next year's season than we think we know based on short high school clips and reports of sportswriters looking to make a name for themselves.

That said, the aftermath of the dunk was still bushleague.
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Grading the level of play at the McD's AA game
O.J. Mayo, Huntington (W.Va.)
Little went right for Mayo, the nation's top senior recruit, on this night. He forced some shots and only hit 4-of-17, including 1-of-9 from 3-point range. He missed a potential game-winner in the final seconds and heard some boos from the crowd, which thought he was shooting too much. GRADE: C
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I do not feel sorry for Mayo in anyway.....you put yourself in certain situations with decisions you make....with that said he is a young kid. He has felt the pressure of unrealistic expectations since middle school, he will never please all of his critics.
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MililaniBuckeye;798639; said:
You mean a "b-ball bukkake"? :slappy:

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Mayo impresses with maturity, game in debut in Mexico

MAZATLAN, Mexico -- This is what we do know about O.J. Mayo: He would rather sleep away an off day than bodysurf or jump into a pool.

When USC's exhibition games were canceled Sunday in Mexico, Mayo was the only player who decided against partaking in a rare day on the beach at the conclusion of the team's 48-hour trip.

But Mayo was hardly loafing on this sojourn.

In the team's lone game of the trip, Mayo proved he is worth the hype. He exhibits as much leadership ability as any freshman (although he will turn 20 in November) who has come through during this golden age of hyped high school talents. He jump-started the Trojans -- albeit against a lower-level Mexican professional team -- with his passing, ball fakes, quick power dribble moves, 3-point shooting and ability to get to the basket with relative ease. He broke up a potential scuffle between teammate Marcus Simmons and the Caballeros' Lamont Roland.

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Mayo is certainly making an impact....

unfortunately it is on the point guard's jaw. :biggrin:

Hackett suffers broken jaw

Guard is injured during pickup game and will be sidelined at least six weeks.

USC sophomore point guard Daniel Hackett will be sidelined at least six weeks after suffering multiple fractures of his jaw Thursday afternoon when he was struck by the elbow of teammate O.J. Mayo during a pickup game at the Galen Center.

Hackett said Mayo grabbed a rebound and turned to pass before smacking Hackett on the left side of his jaw. Hackett was taken to a hospital and had surgery Friday to wire shut his jaw, which was broken in three places.

It's sore right now," Hackett said Saturday afternoon by telephone after returning to campus. "I can't eat, I can barely talk

The 6-foot-5, 205-pound Hackett, who started 16 games last season and averaged 5.3 points and 2.9 rebounds, said he cannot practice for six weeks, meaning he will sit out the Trojans' opener Nov. 10 against Mercer at the Galen Center.

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