The NCAA does recognize the notion of pre-existing relationships. This below is from a compliance brochure dealing with boosters (which Melo isn't), but it does show that the NCAA gives weight to family friends:
UCF Knights - Official Athletics Site
Pre-Existing Relationship With a Current Or Prospective Student-Athlete
Boosters are prohibited from contacting a prospective student-athlete, or providing any type of benefit to a current or prospective student-athlete. The only exception to this rule is if there is a clear preexisting relationship between the booster and the student-athlete. The UCF Athletics Compliance Office will only approve such benefits if the booster providing the benefits or making the contact had established a close relationship with the individual receiving the benefits. That relationship could not have developed as a result of the student-athlete's participation in athletics or the status the student-athlete has achieved due to his/her athletics ability or reputation. The following questions will determine whether a prospect or enrolled student-athlete can receive any type of benefits:
1. Did the relationship between the student-athlete (or the student-athlete's parents) and the individual providing the benefits predate the athletes status achieved due to his or her athletics ability or reputations, and develop on a basis completely unrelated to athletics or notoriety related to athletics?
2. Did the relationship between the athlete and the individual providing the benefits initiate prior to the student-athlete beginning the ninth grade?
3. Is the pattern of benefits provided by the individual to the athlete (or the athlete's family) prior to the athlete's attainment of status as an athlete similar in nature to those provided after attaining such stature? If the answer to any one of the above three questions is "no," then benefits may not be provided. If you answer "yes" to all three questions, please note that any benefit you provide must not be related to the student-athlete's athletics ability, must have been a benefit that you would have provided regardless of the student-athlete's recruitment or attendance at UCF, and must be consistent with those provided prior to the individual becoming a prospective student-athlete of UCF. Please contact the UCF Athletics Compliance Office prior to providing a benefit of any kind to a current or prospective student-athlete.