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O.J. Mayo (Official Thread)

I realize nobody wants to discuss OJ's on-court performance, but he played very well against Oregon last night. Played within himself, relatively unselfishly, and made good decisions. I finally saw what all the hype was about.
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Nothing great about Mayo's reign

Article Launched: 02/13/2008 12:21:46 AM PST

So, is this all the O.J. Mayo Era is about?
More flash than substance? More sizzle than steak?
A defeat every three games. A middle-of-the-Pac-10 standing.
Unranked in the weekly polls since the end of December.
This is what a Prep God does in his one-season college fly-by? This is what you get from the USC Recruit of the Century?
Some acrobatic scoring, sure. A gaudy 20.2 points per game.
But more shots (375) than any two players on his team. More misses (209) than anyone in the Pacific-10 Conference. An unsightly assist-to-turnover ratio of 68-to-85.
USC is 7-7 when Mayo leads them in scoring - and 8-1 when he does not.
And now the Trojans are a shaky finish away from missing the NCAA Tournament entirely. In Mayo's one-and-done college career.
Mayo is projected to be a top-10 pick in the June draft. Maybe top five. Assuming he declares himself eligible, and you can bank $2-3 million a season on it.

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Mayo latest to battle an injury
By Phil Collin, Staff Writer
Article Launched: 02/15/2008 03:45:11 AM PST

O.J. Mayo connected on one long-distance shot after another following USC's practice Thursday, and he didn't even have to jump.
Uh oh.
Yes, the Trojans were met with another injury woe when Mayo couldn't practice because of a groin strain he had suffered late in practice on Wednesday. In fact, USC could only hold a walk-through because of the dearth of available bodies.
Not exactly the news The Trojans needed as they prepare to take on No. 6 UCLA Sunday evening at the Galen Center.
"But I'll be good to go for the game," Mayo said. "It was bothering me. I did some therapy and tried to get it better and I'll be ready to go tomorrow. "I just didn't want it to get any worse. I'm going to do a little more therapy and try to get up and down (the court in practice today).

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USC's Mayo steps up and takes the blame

He says his four-point, 10-turnover performance is the reason his team lost to UCLA, 56-46. His teammates say he did a lot of things right.
February 18, 2008

While his teammates dressed and met up with their families to eat and commiserate over USC's sloppy 56-46 loss to UCLA on Sunday night, O.J. Mayo was taking a long, hot shower.

Hoping, no doubt, that the memory of his four-point, 10-turnover performance for the Trojans would vanish down the drain with the soapsuds and sweat.

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He says his four-point, 10-turnover performance is the reason his team lost to UCLA, 56-46. His teammates say he did a lot of things right.

The announcers last night commented that Gibson (16 points, 12 rebounds last night) was frustated when Mayo wasn't feeding him down low. Westbrook did a great job defending Mayo.

Mayo will probably be a lottery pick, but I wouldn't draft him. His shooting percentage and assist/turnover ratio aren't beneficial to a team.

I'll be disappointed if he makes the all-Freshmen team, which for me would be Beasley, Love, Gordon, Rose, and Singler.
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BB73;1094916; said:
The announcers last night commented that Gibson (16 points, 12 rebounds last night) was frustated when Mayo wasn't feeding him down low. Westbrook did a great job defending Mayo.

Mayo will probably be a lottery pick, but I wouldn't draft him. His shooting percentage and assist/turnover ratio aren't beneficial to a team.

I'll be disappointed if he makes the all-Freshmen team, which for me would be Beasley, Love, Gordon, Rose, and Singler.

Any other year Manny Harris would likely make that list :(

I think another year of college for Mr. Mayo would be beneficial
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jimotis4heisman;1094991; said:
ESPN - USC Trojans - O.J. Mayo - NCAA College Basketball
36.6 mins
19.5 ppg
4.6 rbs
3 assts
1.4 stls
44% from the field
77% from the line
36% from three land
and hes been held under 12 points once.

is that the same player you guys are taking about?

He's a talented player, jo. I've only stated that I don't believe he's one of the top5 frosh in the country, and that if I were an NBA owner I wouldn't take him in the lottery, partially because of what I perceive to be somewhat of a 'me first' attitude. He's had two games of 0 assists and 5 turnovers, and also the 3 assist, 10 turnover game on Sunday.

There was a statement that he hasn't lived up to the hype. He's performed about like I thought he would, but he had been over-hyped.
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USC's defense stifles Arizona
UCLA routs ASU, stays atop Pac-10
Mercury News Wire Services
Article Launched: 02/29/2008 01:43:49 AM PST

The USC Trojans, and everybody else, know how to stop the Arizona Wildcats: Take Jerryd Bayless and Chase Budinger out of the game.
The Trojans made the strategy work Thursday night in Tucson and defeated the Wildcats 70-58.
"That's the way I'd play us," said Wildcats interim coach Kevin O'Neill.
O.J. Mayo scored 20 points and USC handed Arizona its fifth home loss this season. In a matchup of two of the game's best freshmen, Mayo got the better of Bayless, who matched his season low of eight points, 13 below his average, and committed six turnovers. The Wildcats' other top scorer, Budinger, scored only seven points, 10 below his average.

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An ESPN article claims that Mayo received benefits while in high school and at USC. There is also a video segment that's been aired on SportsCenter and "Outside the Lines".


Louis Johnson, who was a part of Mayo's inner circle until recently, said Mayo accepted around $30,000 in cash and gifts during the past four years from Rodney Guillory, a 43-year-old Los Angeles event promoter. In addition to cash, the gifts included a flat-screen television for Mayo's dorm room, cell phone service, a hotel room, clothes, meals and airline tickets for Mayo's friends and a relative, according to Johnson, others with knowledge of the gifts and store receipts.

When Mayo was in high school in Ohio and West Virginia, Guillory was receiving monthly payments from the Northern California sports agency Bill Duffy Associates. Johnson said BDA provided Guillory with around $200,000 before Mayo arrived at USC, and that Guillory used most of the money to support his own lifestyle but also gave a portion of it to Mayo.

Cont'd ...
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