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O.J. Mayo (Official Thread)

gost8;779891; said:
So what? It's I-L-L-E-G-A-L. Thats so what. It like saying, he shoplifted dude, so what? And whether you have or do smoke it doesn't matter. He has a lot riding on the decisions he makes right now. If he was coming to Ohio State I would be very worried. I mean was it so long ago that we had a kid that made some poor decisions while he had the world be the balls? Look where he ended up.

I'm not going to crucify a kid for committing an offense that's a glorified traffic ticket. Please be sure to post about the next time OJ Mayo gets cited for speeding.

And yes I am sure that the official took a dive to get this guy into trouble. Its a big conspiracy by the refs to get this kid suspended from basketball. :roll1:

Watch the clip. It's hard to deny that OJ got snowed.

I hope you're kidding. Just in case you're not, let's start with the facts that it is an illegal drug and that it is harmful to just about every system in its user's body.

Make sure to post in every Ohio State recruit's thread the next time they don't use their turn signal.

Ah, I see. The age-old argument that if you did it (or if you can point to one public figure who has), then it must be ok. Great logic. :roll1:

Just pointing out the hypocrisy that an 18-year-old basketball player is being held to a higher standard that the President.
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I'm not going to crucify a kid for committing an offense that's a glorified traffic ticket. Please be sure to post about the next time OJ Mayo gets cited for speeding.

Watch the clip. It's hard to deny that OJ got snowed.

Make sure to post in every Ohio State recruit's thread the next time they don't use their turn signal.

Just pointing out the hypocrisy that an 18-year-old basketball player is being held to a higher standard that the President.
sd defined mayo? just checking....
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buckeyeboy;780564; said:
So now crimes like possession of drugs are equivalent to traffic violations like failure to use a turn signal? Once again, I must commend your logic.

Check the Ohio Revised Code. It carries the same penalty as a traffic ticket, with the exception of a mandatory 6-month license suspension - and you always get driving privileges anyway.

Unless, of course, you're selling it - which I doubt was the case here.
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reality check...

are you going to suspend oden, lewis, harris, butler, conley and light for walking after officials? they all did it this weekend, and maybe someone i forgot did too....

i didnt hear many critics when lighty got arrested for his gun thing this summer...

im not defending oj. but the double standards are crazy...
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StadiumDorm;780693; said:
Check the Ohio Revised Code. It carries the same penalty as a traffic ticket, with the exception of a mandatory 6-month license suspension - and you always get driving privileges anyway.

Unless, of course, you're selling it - which I doubt was the case here.
ORC has nothing to do with West Virginia. Anyway I never said that smoking pot was better or worse than a traffic ticket. I said he should be on his best behavior. Not out riding around with illegal drugs in the car.
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jimotis4heisman;780717; said:
reality check...

are you going to suspend oden, lewis, harris, butler, conley and light for walking after officials? they all did it this weekend, and maybe someone i forgot did too....

i didnt hear many critics when lighty got arrested for his gun thing this summer...

im not defending oj. but the double standards are crazy...

Come on... Open your eyes. I don't have a problem with questioning an official for a questionable call. The way OJ was acting before the "dive" was without a doubt a foul (or two)
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gost8;780720; said:
ORC has nothing to do with West Virginia. Anyway I never said that smoking pot was better or worse than a traffic ticket. I said he should be on his best behavior. Not out riding around with illegal drugs in the car.

Of course he shouldn't. But he's a kid. And you cannot like my opinion as much as you want, but I don't think weed's a big deal.

You want to make it out like this kid is that bad and you don't really know anything other than, at most, an inadvertant trip, a fight you know nothing about, and a bag of weed. I'm not ready to say that he's an awful kid based on those things.
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jimotis4heisman;780727; said:
and you hadnt seen that this year at of an ohio state player...
No I didn't see an Ohio State player get a technical... then almost get in a fight... walk away... then go back at the player and grab his crotch... get another call then go after the ref. No I did not see that. Did you? I watched every minute of every game and somehow I missed it.
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StadiumDorm;780734; said:
Of course he shouldn't. But he's a kid. And you cannot like my opinion as much as you want, but I don't think weed's a big deal.

You want to make it out like this kid is that bad and you don't really know anything other than, at most, an inadvertant trip, a fight you know nothing about, and a bag of weed. I'm not ready to say that he's an awful kid based on those things.
And you know no more than I do to state the opposite. So far your opinion is since you did it and others do it.... its ok. Well it isn't ok because if it was there wouldn't be a law against it.
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StadiumDorm;780986; said:
My opinion is that OJ Mayo, even if he was smoking some pot, isn't the thug people are making him out to be.

You're entitled to that opinion, while I and many others are of the opinion that he's just as much a thug as his track record suggests. I have no problem with weed, but this is just a kid who seems to find trouble at every turn. Agree to disagree or keep going around in circles, I guess...
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